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Question by I_color_outside_the_lines: Did you receive a dose of spiritual enlightenment today?
Not necessarily “church”, because I think that can be anything you want it to be. So, has anyone gotten in tune with the “lover of their soul” today…whoever or whatever that may be for you?

I did. I go to a metaphysical gathering called Celebration Circle. We had a speaker on Zen and meditation today, and also a really cool band called Mombasa Code. One of the guys plays the digiridoo (sp?)
wanna check out Celebration Circle? here’s their website…

Best answer:

Answer by 32 flavors and then some
Oh, I wish. I’ve spent all day doing a bloody science project on household cleaning products. Then I’ll be moving on to my English project, which is actually pretty cool, it’s a 6 minute presentation on a topic of our choice. I’m either doing mine on The L Word, or Kermit the Frog. Wow… am I off topic or what?!?!?

The Celebration Circle sounds wicked cool, by the way.

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5 Responses to Q&A: Did you receive a dose of spiritual enlightenment today?

  • abetterfate says:

    Sounds fun – are the band really from Mombasa? I love Mombasa.

    I had a lovely country walk with some friends, and then we went to another friend’s house to meditate.

    And this evening I have been reading some frealky e-mails from a looney fundie who thinks I need to be saved from the ‘death trap’ of Buddhism.

  • giggles47532000 says:

    i got my sprititual dose when i watched the sunrise this morning i was up about 5 am and it was so beautiful and peaceful my parakeets were chirping AWESOME i will be checking out that website when i am done here i love meditation it is so relaxing i just got done checking out the very cool and i just listened to mombasa code i went to their website and listened to a song called asleep it was from the first album VERY RELAXING thanx for the info take care and SMILE

  • tommybear45 says:

    the birds were singing (we still have them)! i’m a gay pentecostal Buddhist, go figure, i love circles

  • Jessica M says:

    I wish… it’s hard to find any spiritual enlightenment when you don’t believe in anything you can’t experience firsthand. It’s not by choice; I feel like if you have to force yourself into believing something, it’s not genuine anyway.

  • Nuttie Nettie says:

    Yes, I got a dose of spiritual enlightenment today. I go to Unity and we too had a gathering of people and music. I go there not to get answers, but I go there to have my answers questioned. I like to reflect and ponder on the deep mysteries of life and existence as much as my mind will allow as often as possible.

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