Question by F**K YEAH SEAKING!: Do Pagans really go around hugging trees?
Remember, “god” is nothing more than a nonsense word created by me to explain away people’s beliefs I can’t yet understand.
Religion is a disease of the mind, born of fear, which has done nothing but bring untold misery down upon myself because I was abused by my youth Pastor.
Best answer:
Answer by phuckphace
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No only Chuck Norris hugs trees, till they submit.
I smoke them.
to christian really believe in a giant invisible man in the sky?
your little rant has nothing to do with your question….
I do!!
Do you really sit here all day and copy and paste that stupid and annoying message of yours?
I just can’t imagine how much time you’ve wasted of your pathetic life on this internet site trying to accomplish something because you aren’t able to accomplish anything in the real world, sorry to break it to you, the only thing you’ve accomplished so far with your answers/questions is to make people think you’re crazy and not take you seriously.
Man I like how you think.
The only time I have hugged a tree was when I was trying not to fall
You sound angry. Try focusing on something other than religion. Try reading some books on other subjects. Try listening to some non-religious music, watching some non-religious movies, or reading some good non-religious books or poetry. Being involved in the religious debate will only stir up anger and resentment for you.
Your question is ridiculous! Seriously? And Hebrews – loved your answer, thank you!
I’m not Pagan, but I will hug trees.
Trees deserve hugs! They get beaten up, hacked up, torn down, rained on, climbed on, sh*t on, used…and yet, they provide homes for our animals, and clean our dirty air for us. Not to mention, it must really SUCK to be stuck in one place/position for your whole life..
They don’t ask for anything in return…because they CAN’T. I feel like hugging them is the least we can do :/
not all of us
tho i think we may all want to ;-P
god is a word, soem peopel beleive its a being, some dong
do you have to be so disrespectful?
and how about ignorant? not all pagans beleive in gods or goddesses
and paganism is one of the oldest and more natural religons, as it is based on nature and respect for nature
so whats fearful about that?