Question by Anthony: Do you know of any easily downloaded celtic/pagan music without paying for it?
I’m getting bored with my old music that used to really channel me in a away I can’t explain. But I just want that feeling again…any ideas or music?
Don’t recommend a CD to me that I can’t download of frostwire, limewire, or any torrent site.
Blessed Be
Best answer:
Answer by Yogi
i do not know if you can download these or not. I myself do not use downloaded music.(not for any belief that it is wrong, i am just too lazy to take the time to hunt down what i like)
Blackmores Night, Under a violet moon.
………………………….., Ghost of a Rose
………………………….., shadow of the moon.
Give your answer to this question below!
Sorry dear, I dont download the free bees-I worry about virus’ too much. I spent too much on my system for that. What I do is buy my music from iTunes. That way I dont have to buy a whole cd I dont like and I can listen to a few seconds of the song first. They have a great selection at .99 a song. So for a few bucks, you could have some new tunes to relax to. I wish I knew of a better and safer way. Or a safe way to share without the worry of virus’. Have had to clean my system too much to chance it. I hope you do find some. I hate buying the whole cd myself. And I get bored with the same old music all the time. What works for me for months might suddenly turn me off for no apparent reason-dont know why. So I know where you are coming from.
Good luck searching!
Blessed be! and then google for the artist!
I got a package in the mail this week from someone who i care greatly.So i now have some to recommend to you!
~Rhythm of the Ancients~~~Medwyn Goodall
Moon Goddess~~~~~~~~~Medwyn Goodall
Clan~A celtic journey~~~~Medwyn Goodall
Land of the vast Horizon~~Gavin O’Loghlen&Cotters Bequest
In the Home of My Ancestors~~Gavin O’Loghlen&Cotters B
My Mothers Country~~Gavin O’LOghlen& Cotters Bequest
Celtic Connection~~Clannad
Wendy Rule ~~Zero
Paint the sky with Stars~~Enya
Vibrations~ Music for balancing your Charkras
Meet your Totem Animal~A Meditative Journey.
((Scott Alexander King))
Discover your past lives~In a guided Journey with Artemis
Rainbow Meditation~Karen Kay
Star Meditation~Karen Kay
The Faerie Cottage~Alicen Gedes Ward~Guided meditation
And of course you know i like Innkubus Succubus,&Wicca…
So there you go that is what i have been absorbing myself in this last week!
Blessed Be
Lyrics-yes Music-no
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