Question by Terry: Do you realize that all the thoughts and emotions on this forum are like a metaphysical Stone Soup?
One day an old man in rather shaggy clothes came to a town where people were starving. He said he had a Magick stone and with its help and their cooperation everyone could be fed. He placed a beautiful stone and some water in a large pot on a fire.
He asked each family to give just a bit to the Magick stone. Each family donated what it could and the old man let it bubble and boil a bit then mumbled some words to the sky and reached in his pocket for a handfull of salt and a crust of bread. He said, “I thank this town for all it has given me and with this salt and bread I thank all and any who helped us.” He put the salt and bread into the soup and stirred, then fed the whole of the town the first real meal they had eaten in many weeks.
Best answer:
Answer by Johnny
Hhhhmmm, stone soup is hard on the stomache.
Try fruit salad.
Give your answer to this question below!
I thought stone soup was metaphysical….
or maybe metaphorical…
And how wonderful the story of stone soup turned out!
If we could all work together and be accepting perhaps our “recipe” for humanity could be as successful.
Mmm. Soup.
Hum… what will we get for dinner?
I was just thinking that very thing…
What is stone soup by the way?
Thanks for that very encouraging thought. If more of us were like you, we really could change the world!
I like that. The soup in Prehistory was often boiled by cooking stones. The fragments of these stones often litter the ground on archaeological sites. The rocks eventually craze and crack into fragments and are usually dumped in a refuse pit. You can often see how the FCR = Fire Cracked Rock is often left in the very pattern, it was dumped from the cooking basket. So yes, the conglomeration of thoughts and ideas and so forth are definitely a soup and the tiny bits of fragmented rock are the little pieces of ourselves which is part of the whole…
Just one slight problem with your meta-physical take on the metaphorical.
Not everyone got the memo that it was *soup* being cooked here. Some of us still think it’s soup, but others have tried to make *beer* here, and others still want to make *soap*, and yet others see the bubbles and want to do their laundry here, and yet others hear all the *water* being poured in and out constantly and it makes *them* need someplace to go pee….
Get the picture? It’s kind of difficult to get anything useful done here when nobody really has any sense. Like with the voting thing on Answers, where some *idiot* with one-liners can get voted a Best Answer in spite of longer answers with more info *and LINKS* clearly being better, or at least more thought out.
It’s like, ok, some folks need a sign saying “making SOUP here” and that will suffice….others need something more strongly worded, like “Making SOUP here, you passed up the BEER two miles back on the road, SOAP is on your left…”
But then you have the people who are just going to piss in the pot no matter what you do, even if you have lawyers present laying things out in *third grade english* and basically *begging* folks to not stick their pubes where they clearly don’t belong. Those folks don’t need a sign, they need to be *beaten* with a big, heavy stick….they need to be knocked *stupid* because that will *raise* their IQ a few points. ^_^ Know what I mean?
So yeah, keep it as meta-physical and metaphorical as you like….just keep in mind that the mess here is more *metamorphic* than anything, and may or may not be *edible* at any given moment.
Thanks for your time! ^_^
You could enter that in the Dumbest Story of the Day contest. I think you’d have a winner!
Sadly this is above about 75% of the people on here. Thanks for the story. Blessed Be.