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Question by Allen is really lost: Do you think that metaphysics, theoretical and practical science, and religion will one day come to agreement?
I use religion in a very general sense. Maybe I mean spirituality.

I just get the sense that there will be a convergence of these things, relatively soon.

Best answer:

Answer by damphoud1
Religion is not objective… I cannot find piratical science coming anywhere close to an agreement with the subjectivity of religion.

Religion is in a field of its own… with regards to anything coming within agreement.

What do you think? Answer below!

7 Responses to Q&A: Do you think that metaphysics, theoretical and practical science, and religion will one day come to agreement?

  • We Wish to Buy Your Shoes says:

    Not unless we make some radical breakthroughs scientifically in several things first.

  • dj.hatchytt says:

    One can always hope.

    I have found that the best way to get them to reconcile with each other is to simply admit that I don’t know. Hence my chosen religion.

    see below for chosen religion.

  • cheapdate says:

    When the world is destroyed and hurtling toward the sun and the only living things on earth are microbes, You will find the scientific and religious bacteria still bitterly arguing the point.

  • arewethereyet says:

    “I just get the sense…. relatively soon”

    lol are you planning on dying soon? After all, when we get to Heaven it says we will know it all.

  • Unus Mundus says:

    Provided people can give up dogma and think for themselves.

  • kithy_heathen says:

    I believe so, but it will probably be answers that no one has thought of and everyone will argue about lol

  • Sparrowbird says:

    I think if science keeps moving forward and focusing on discovery instead of dwelling on what we already know, there is very likely to be a convergence of these things. Science has recently been stepping greatly on the boundaries of spirituality. Quantum physics, in particular, restates many spiritual theories in a scientific manner.

    These things are not separate – science is magic, and as long as we keep moving forward, I think it is highly probable they will converge (unless something terrible gets in the way – like, giant atom bombs that destroy half the world’s population, or the earth gets hit by a giant unexpected meteor, or something).

    If nothing gets in the way of this progress, I think it is also highly likely, however, that no one will notice that these things are converging. Science will become so spiritual and spirituality will become so scientific that no one bothers to question either, and history is forgotten. Such speculation, of course…

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