by micbaun
Question by New York Diva Part II: Do you view sex as something sacred or a recreational sport ?
Best answer:
Answer by Legionnaire Hooch Monster
Sacred between me and my future wife if i ever meet her.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
A recreational sport so long as it’s kept clean and safe. It can really make the bond between two people more enjoyable, and if you try to make it too sacred you take all the fun out of it.
can it be a combination of both & playful instead? ;]
Sacred the 1st time recreational every other time.
A waste of time
sacred. but i don’t know if i necessarily want to save it till marriage. no matter how much anyone wants to try and deny it, sex IS an important factor in marriage. and you can’t have someone bad in bed or someone that doesn’t satisfy you for the rest of your life. but i definitely will not be losing it ANY time soon. that’s for sure. at least until i’m out of college and in a healthy, stable, loving relationship.
Sacred recreational sport hubby and I both share!
SACRED! you dont wanna sleep around with random guys/girls. sex is supposed to be a sign of love and affection between two lovers, not a game between strangers. thats just my point of vieww, i dont judge anyone for having a different oneee
i view it as my Friday night pasttime.
it’s my penance
I wouldn’t call it “sacred” but i consider it something special but something you can have fun with too (like a threesome)..and it’s far from a sport to me. That would be what a whore would call it. I’m not trying to rack up points to see how high of a score i can get. lol
I view sex as a sacred activity beteen a married man and woman only because thats what God designed it for ONLY !!!!!!!!!! and sex IS NOT to be taken lightly OR you CAN get Hurt
i am married so a little of both got to keep it alive
I wish I had been in the position to treat as a recreational sport. But the number of sex partners I had was far and few in between.
something Special between two people of the opposite sex to share the love and togetherness they feel, sure anyone can have sex but making love with the one you swear yourself to is a Special thing
Sacred, a newly formed transcendental relationship
Once it happens, for better or worse, you are, in a sense, bound to that person forever
sex is like raquetball – play hard for half an hour and hope no one gets hit in the eye!
very sacred
When your dating you could consider it a “sport”. Then you find the partner that helps you see the “sacred” side. When your in that sacred relationship, at some point, you’ll want to turn it back into a sport to keep thing spicy. Never take out that sacred aspect though. Everyone wants to feel the love.
I think it’s something to be cherished and valued.
Even if it’s meant as “casual” sex, the attachments are there. It’s been proven that certain chemicals ca mix when having sex which release oxytosin and create a bond between sexual partners, so even if it’s a one time thing, it shouldn’t be taken loosely. [no pun intended lol]
Should always be fun.Which makes it kind of recreational.Perhaps becomes sacred when you mature.
It depends on the person i’m with. If I really love the person then yeah it is sacred. If the person is just hot and a one night stand then it turns into a sport.
It should be sacred. But society’s views have been altered greatly. I mean adult videos have totally changed the views of many, and made sex seem like no big deal. Sex should be sacred, passionate and special
sex is sacred between a man and a women who are devoted to only each other… to everybody else its something they do because their horny little toads and they want get their rocks off. or atleast try ;-/ …
usually i just find it a chore but there are some times wen i really want it but 3 out of 4 times i would rather die then do it