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Question by Gary G: Don’t Muslims worship the same God as Christians?
Many Christians accept the Muslim claim that we both worship the same God. They claim that they call him Allah, while we call him God. It is not unusual to hear Christian leaders make such statements. Bible societies have even gone so far as to use the name Allah in the Bibles they produce for Arab Christians.

The problem with this is two-fold. First, history and archeology show clearly that Allah was worshipped as a pagan moon god long before Mohammed came on the scene. Robert Morey, author of The Islamic Invasion, explains:

“Islam’s origins have been traced back by scholars to the ancient fertility religion of the worship of the moon god which was always the dominant religion of Arabia. The moon god was worshipped by praying toward Mecca several times a day, making an annual pilgrimage to the Kabah which was a temple of the moon god, running around the Kabah seven times, caressing an idol of a black stone set in the wall of the Kabah, running between two hills, making animal sacrifices, gathering on Fridays for prayers, giving alms to the poor, etc. These were pagan rites practiced by the Arabs long before Muhammad was born.”

“What religion today practices the pagan rites of the moon god? Islam! This explains why the crescent moon is the symbol of Islam. It is placed on top of mosques and minarets and displayed on hats, flags, rugs, amulets and even jewelry. Every time you see the Muslim symbol of a crescent moon, you are seeing the ancient symbol of the moon god.”

Second, if you read the Qur’an’s description of Allah, and read the Bible’s description of God, it becomes obvious you are reading about two different persons. Allah orders his followers to kill those who deny Islam, while God instructs us to love our enemies. Allah had no son while God sent His Son to die for sinful men. Allah is “unknowable” while God seeks a personal relationship with His creation, man.

The spirit behind Islam is an entirely different spirit… a spirit that denies the deity of Jesus Christ. Any Christian who accepts the notion that Allah is God creates an impossible situation. Since the Qur’an contains our only revelation about Allah, they will be forced to look there as their authority. The Qur’an specifically denies the deity of Christ! All Christian witness ends right there.

For more information, read “Islamic Invasion” by Robert Morey.;&version=31;

Best answer:

Answer by Taliesin Penn Beirdd
That’s alot of reading material. Most Muslims and Christians would not agrre that they worship the same God, however I believe we all worship the same God, just in our own different ways.

Add your own answer in the comments!

23 Responses to Q&A: Don’t Muslims worship the same God as Christians?

  • brian8907 says:

    To answer your question and to ignore your lecture. Yes, they do…we believe the same God that Muslims, Jews, and Buddhists do.

  • bla says:

    Dude, same thing man. Allah = God. God = Allah. That pagan stuff is bullshit.

  • Arnon says:

    While I agree with your sentiment I was wondering if this was a lecture or a question.

  • pamiekins says:

    He is the same; the God of Abraham.
    I really, really wish it wasn’t half past midnight and I could remember the title of the book I’ve read about this… but alas. I can’t recall.

  • justmyinput says:

    God is God. There’s only one God. You either worship Him or you worship something else…

  • bearsdancer says:

    interesting stuff

    I would agree that Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God because Muslims regard Jesus as a prophet when Christians consider Jesus God.

  • arveen paria arasuk says:

    absolutely not when someone received something that denied Christ as the savior and as Son of God you can be absolute certain that it’s not from GOD

  • mrb1017 says:

    Ummm…Ignoring the Essay (I’m in college and read enough)…Muslims and Christians believe in the same God to a certain extent but I guess you can say that this is debatable because Christians believe that God had a son (Jesus) and Muslims do not believe that God has a son, but that Jesus was “the son of Mary” (in that if God says to let something be, then it will be so God chose to impregnate Mary as a virgin, but it was not with the sperm of God, because God is not human and does not have sperm). If Jesus was God’s son, then why would Adam also not be God’s son…and Eve be God’s Daughter? Both Muslims and Christians (and Jews) will agree that the God that we worship is the God of Abraham…

  • crabby_blindguy says:

    I don’t know where you got that garbage–but Allah is jsut the Arabic word for God–and any REAL Christian knows muslims and Christians worship the same God.

    The religious right says otherwise–but they aren’t real Christians and nobody really cares what they think.

  • drummer stud7 says:

    we do believe in the same God of Abraham.
    just the muslims believe in him in a totally diferent way than we do.

    p.s. and for brian8907. bhuddist dont believe in the same God we do

  • Max says:

    To be fair, the Hebrews were heavily influenced by the Babylonian religion. The Sabbath, for instance, was a Babylonian tradition based on the phase of the moon. Some say the ages of some of the early biblical figures were based on the phases of the moon.

    Edit. I believe the Koran says Jesus was a prophet. The Jews say Jesus was nothing.

  • Ahmed A says:

    In shorts,
    Allah sent many different prophets, three of them came with scriptures, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed peace be upon them all.

    For the first two, God sent them to a specific group of people. Then Mohammed was sent to the whole world.

    Think of this as a teacher who changed the book to be taught and tested in the class. It is the same teacher, but he ordered his students to read and to be tested on a different book.

    We, Muslim, believe that Allah is the God who sent Moses and Jesus, but we don’t believe in your teachings because your scriptures were altered at some point. But if you look at the three religions in general, you will see some similarities like Noah’s arc.

    To comment in your Moon-God speech:
    The moon or crescent symbol you see in Mosques was created by the Ottomins Empire. The Ottomins used the crescent symbol for their Empire and planted it on the mosques. This figure has no holy value what so ever, it is only meant for decoration.
    It is similar to the American Flag you see on top of churches in the US. Just because the American Flag is planted on many Churches, Can we say that the American flag has any Christian value?? Or the colored glass??

    Oh, and I have never seen the crescent moon on any jewelry here in Saudi Arabia, or any religious books. Also, the Quran and Hadith never talked about the moon!!

  • faoi shíocháin says:

    But the plot thickens. Language for God in the Bible can be traced pack to Judaic polytheism as well. In the king James Version, you will notice GOD capitalized to distinguish the two (god of isreael, and the christian god) confused yet? I know I was.

    The point is that all were converted to believe in one God. And if all believe there is one God, then it must be the same God; so could we just staple all of the books together and stop blowing each other up already??

  • Omer says:

    Allah does NOT order his followers to kill those who deny Islam! The world would be in so much more turmoil if this was the case. I am a Muslim, and all other Muslims I know have never tried to kill anyone for this “cause” you speak of. Did you make this up, or did you hear it from the media or someone else? How ignorant can one be? Why are you on Yahoo! Answers when you should be worried about being “killed” by a Muslim?

    Also, Islam is the last of the Abrahamic religions. Everything before Islam was Islam (meaning Judaism and Christianity), but these religions were corrupted and adulterated, and thus Islam emerged to mend the previous flaws of its predecessors, unable to be corrupted or scathed, and the Qu’ran remains UNCHANGED to this day, much unlike the Bible. In other words, if Christianity was never corrupted and adulterated, there would have been no need for Islam to come about, and therefore all Muslims would be Christians. But that is not the case, as Christianity WAS indeed corrupted…Muslims believe in Abraham, Moses, AND Jesus, and consider them major prophets of Islam. Jesus was one of Allah’s (God) mightiest messengers. Therefore, Allah IS the same God as “God”, as it is the final of the Abrahamic religions. Allah is merely the Arabic translation.

    Now, you claim that the Islamic “Allah” and the Christian “God” are totally different, and are not the same God being worshipped. Lets put it this way:

    Two people see a cat. One of them insists that the cat is black. The other argues that it is dark brown. BOTH believe in the same cat, they just believe different things ABOUT the cat. One wouldn’t say in this situation “Oh, you must be talking about some other cat, because this one is black!”, because both people clearly see the cat. Hope that helped you understand..

  • ghostdude! says:

    the link you gave didnt link to the appropriate place

    i havent seen any evidence to show that the muslim ‘god’ is the pagan ‘moon god’ because the pagan arabs used to have a two layers of belief: God who created everything, and then the god of this and that,

    and when the Quran challenges the pagan saying “to whom belongs the heaven and the Earth?” they would say: “Allah”

    they inherited the belief of God (Allah) from the people who followed Abraham – One God- monotheism

    then they added pagan gods from babylon, assyria and other places

    but seriously, if your wondering why athiests have so much ammo against you guys- its because of this kind of false logic

  • mutualhelp says:

    I read an article in Spanish that says that the Muslim god is actually the “moon god” because its flag has a moon on it and because at the top of their temple (mosque) there is a moon.

    Link to see Islam flag:

    Link to see Islam temple:

    so yeah, you’re right.

  • inat says:

    Islam, like Judaism, is a monotheistic religion which does not believe in the pagan concept of a trinity or in the divinity of a human being.

  • Rtay says:

    The most notable issue here is that Muslims believe that Christians’ concept of the trinity with regards to Jesus (Jesus is God) amounts to polytheism… which is an irreconciable difference. Muslims do believe Jesus was a great prophet, but would totally condemn as blasphemy the Christians’ claim that he is God.

  • cthemagicofdawn says:

    You are correct, allah is not God. Muslims are misled and try to lure in more people by saying what is not true, along with the islam is a peaceful religion line. allah is a deceiver…it says so in the quran. The greatest deceiver is Satan. God’s word is true and doesn’t change. allah changed his mind all the time and that is why the quran is full of abrogated verses, new ideas that came and changed prior ones.

    God has a Son and allah does not. God is Love and allah is not. But end time prophesies really prove that allah is not God. Jewish and Christian prophesies say that Israel is eternal, God will always protect it. Islamic prophesy is that Israel will be destroyed and all Jews killed. All nations except Muslim ones will be destroyed too. allah can’t be God because he wants Israel gone.

    God Bless.

  • Serving Lord Jesus says:

    Good question and the short answer is, no.

    Although the word/name Allah means god, it is not the living God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob/Israel.

    When Hagar left with Ishmael, remember she was Egyptian and followed their pagan gods. She did not follow the living God of Abraham.

    What I do find ironic is that Muslims believe the Bible (Torah, Psalms of David and New Testament) to be the word of Allah but also believe that it has been corrupted. However, Muslims also believe that the word of Allah can not be corrupted. Strange, isn’t it?

    Anyway, what Jesus teaches and what Islam teaches are completely different. Jesus teaches by grace we have salvation by the completed work He did on the cross.

    Muslims are taught that they must work for their salvation and in the end they have no guarantees that Allah will have favor on them. Therefore always living in fear of their salvation.

    Hope that helps!

  • darkozmo says:

    Some Christians do not believe Jesus is God, admittedly a minuscule proportion. It remains a fact that Jesus is the only democratically elected deity, it required a council to vote on the issue as it was not at all clear from Jesus’ own purported words in the Gospel’s according to Mathew, Mark, Luke and John that he claimed to be God. In fact there is no unequivocal statement in any of the Gospels where Jesus says “I am God” or “worship me”. That is how figures such as Isaac Newton could reject the Trinity upon scriptural analysis.


    Serving Lord Jesus: I have already explained to you in a question you posted how Muslims do NOT believe the Bible or the Torah is Gods word, there is in fact no word for Bible in the Arabic language as the name “Bible” only means book in Greek from biblos. The Injeel on the other hand refers to the Gospel of Jesus which a Muslim is in prinicple obligated to believe in, it is just unfortunate that it doesn’t exist, but millions of coptic Christians in Arab countries make do with what they have including calling God Allah, which is close to what Jesus called God -Ela- as he spoke Aramaic.

    I nevertheless agree with you that Muslims and Christians believe in different Gods as in fact Christians from different sects believe in different Gods as long as their concept of God differs.

  • arabmuslim says:

    Yes Islam worships the same God as Christians and Jews. ALLAH(SWT) is not a “moon God”. ALLAH means THE GOD in Arabic. ALLAH(SWT) is one and only Lord and Creator of the Universe. ALLAH(SWT) does not have partners or sons. Anyone who worships a man or animal in partnership or instead of ALLAH(SWT) is an idolater.

  • Nuch the Wise says:

    Hi there,

    Your question rather contains its answer.

    Lets leave history and archeology out of it, The true God can only be accessed via a principal being called Jesus. John14:6.

    If Allah was accessed via Jesus (Isa) one might be a little confused but it is clear enough that Allah is not Jehovah (Yahweh).

    Have a fulfilling day.


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