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Question by trackman: Earth Religions/Witches/Pagans:What music inspires you spiritually,if any, and what artists?

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Answer by Gentlelamb
Mostly Gospel but I am a lover of basically all music as I have an appreciation for the Art of Music>:)

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9 Responses to Q&A: Earth Religions/Witches/Pagans:What music inspires you spiritually,if any, and what artists?

  • philosophyangel says:

    I like Led Zeppelin– and my own recordings of symphonic gongs. When I get together with others for circle, we usually play trance dance music and drum, gong, and chant along with it. I never know the artists of what I’m listening to–it’s always someone else’s stuff.

  • Epona Willow says:

    I am a huge fan of anything from Robert Gass, Ancient Mother would be my favorite album.

  • Bo??s says:

    Melodic Death Metal…

    Example: Amon Amarth- Fate of Norns

  • Ghoast Kitteh says:

    Classical. Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, etc.

  • ????? ??????? says:

    I play the djembe, and when I get the opportunity to play with others who do this as well it is very inspiring. I’ve been a percussionist for six years, and I was inspired to do so after going to a festival or five.. or so. It is amazing that you can learn so many different ways to play what would seem to be such a simple instrument, but I also find that you don’t learn or advance as much in playing this kind of instrument alone as you do when playing with others that are experienced in playing it because, among many other reasons, there isn’t any possible way (that I know of) to record sheet music for a djembe. I think drumming is universal, and it is really awesome that people who have never rehearsed or practiced together can randomly get together and do what we do.

  • keltillos says:

    Weird Al. (lol)

    Actually, Clannad, Enya, The Cranberries.

  • Stella says:

    I like a wide range of music genres, but when I’m trying to get into a more spiritual mood, it’s usually something along the lines of Enigma or Pink Floyd. 🙂

  • Mother Amethyst says:

    I respond on a deep spiritual level to kirtan, yogic chanting, for example, Krishna Das. This music is feels like Love made tangible to me. It opens a door to my deepest soul and settles in there and radiates Love.

    I also really respond to some New Age music such as R Carlos Nakai, Gerald Jay Markoe, Tibetan crystal bowls and so on.

  • littleredhen says:

    I don’t use music in a spiritual way as such..i seem to prefer silence, or what i can hera naturally occurring around me.
    I like a bit of Rock..bit of folk, some classical..

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