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Question by Hand puppet pet: Easter? a holy day, or a copy of a pagan worship ritual? Is the passover really what we should respect and?
celebrate as scripture reading Christians? Passover is on march 30th, easter is april 4!

Best answer:

Answer by Red Rooster
No place in the “new Testament” does it say we shall observe the crucifixion as a holy day! That is not to say we should be unaware or uncaring about the sacrifice and the grace given us! There are true Christians who love and give honor to Jesus, not because they fear how they will be judged, but because their love in their hearts overtake all other emotions. They do not love out of pity as some would do,, but out of a need that they feel and have no other way to fulfill and satisfy that longing but the returning love that the Christ broadcasts to everyone, ” The rain falls on the Just and the unjust alike” I think it would be recieved with God’s great pleasure if we honored the holy days just as they did back then. Passover and the various feasts that associate God’s love and the one joy and pleasure given to us that everyone knows, and that is a festive holiday that you get well fed and cared for in it’s entirety, even if it is a ‘tofu turkey!

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One Response to Q&A: Easter? a holy day, or a copy of a pagan worship ritual? Is the passover really what we should respect and?

  • Sharon says:

    Passover begins on Mar 29.

    It is commanded that JEWISH people celebrate it, NOT Christians.

    I Christians want to celebrate the holy day of Passover (holy week, actually) they should definitely UNDERSTAND what the holiday actually MEANS. And a clue: It has nothing to do with Jesus, apart from the fact that he was celebrating it, just before the Romans came for him.

    And I am going to venture a guess, that he was doing so properly, as HE was Jewish.

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