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Question by Jack P: Eastern religions and spiritual healing?
I’d be interested in hearing from Taoists, Buddhists, you East Indians of any persuasion, about what you know of spiritual healing among your faiths.

Reiki, of course, originated in Japan, and it’s almost a marriage of Zen and Christianity. I’m aware enough of Reiki not to be dying to know more [I’m a master Reiki practicioner, among other things].

But there’s not much written about such matters among, say, Tibetans, Mongolians, Burmese, Malasians, etc.

Do you know of any written materials translated to English arising from the spiritual healers of your religions?

Thanks for your replies.

Christians, Mormons, Muslims [except Sufis] and athiests please don’t respond.
Thank you, some call me E. I see you have a reading problem, or a boundary problem. I’m not interested in Christian viewpoints for the purposes of this question. Be a good Christian and respect my wishes in the future.

Thanks Don. Maybe someone who knows something about them will attempt to answer. There’ll be plenty of time and space for it, because I plan to be spending some time here on religion and spirituality discussing it with people of like mind.

thanks for the reply
Thanks Monty54. I’m familiar with Christian Science and I might ask a question about it in the future. For the moment, and for the purposes of this question my interest is mainly in Eastern Religions.

Thanks, J
Thumbs-up to all three of you.
Excellent and informative reply, Emma’s Child. I’m obliged to you for the post and for all the links.


Best answer:

Answer by Some call me “E”
Only Jesus heals..

What do you think? Answer below!

3 Responses to Q&A: Eastern religions and spiritual healing?

  • Don W says:

    The Buddhist views on illness are very lengthy and in depth. There is not time or space here on Y/A to give adequate attentions to this question but there is quite a bit written on the subect.

  • monte54que says:

    There is a religion in this country that performs spiritual healings not faith healings.It was founded by Mary Baker Eddy and is called christian science. I do not belong to that church ,but have great respect for them.Eddy studied under eastern religious leaders.Its an extremely sensible religion, but does require much thinking. (which eliminated me from becoming one)

  • Amma's Child says:

    You would be interested in reading about Devananda a Buddhist priest for 30 years that received a gift of healing. He is now a disciple of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, my guru. I have seen him before.

    A Spiritual Tradition

    In Japan, there is a tradition going back more than a thousand years that Priests and Monks “intercede” with the Divine to help the people around them. For almost 30 years Devananda was the Priest in charge a Buddhist Temple on the island of Kyushu in Japan, where he worked to bring the benefits of divine power to the lives of ordinary people.

    As part of his training as a Priest, he learned traditional forms of energy healing, and through 13 years of long hours of practice and meditation, he developed his skills to a very high level.

    A Spiritual Gift

    Then Devananda received divine guidance in meditation to do a set of rigorous spiritual practices. This included meditating in a cave, bathing under an icy waterfall, and repeating his mantra 12,000 times per day for 21 days.

    He followed the instructions, and on the 21st day received a gift of a divine healing power. From that day, he stopped practicing the form of healing he had learned previously, and began to offer this new healing energy.

    People all over the world who have experienced Radiance Healing report that it has a beneficial effect not only on their physical health, but also on their mental and emotional well-being. The energy also improves people’s meditation and spiritual life in general. Many people who do not have significant health problems receive Radiance Healing because it makes them feel so much calmer and happier in life.

    A Spiritual Life

    Devananda feels that because of his constant devotion, he has always been guided to spiritual teachers more advanced than himself to supervise his practice and keep him on the most direct path to God. In Japan, he first studied in the Shinto tradition, then with a series of Buddhist masters.

    He met his current spiritual teacher, Amma, in 1996. In 2002 he asked Amma if he could donate his Temple and property to Amma’s humanitarian organization and move to Amritapuri, Amma’s Ashram in India, to spend the rest of his life.

    In early 2006 he completed the transfer of his temple to Amma and now lives full time in India with his wife Pujitha. There he meditates many hours each day, conducts small group healing sessions several times a week, and connects people all over the world with Radiance Healing Energy.

    He is currently working with more than 1,000 people and strongly feels that there is no limit to the number of people who can be helped by Radiance Healing.

    Devananda receives no income from the money collected for this healing work. He is very happy that the money raised goes to support so many worthwhile charities in India and around the world.

    EDIT: Oh i also forgot about another form of healing. My Indian friend has been studying pranic healing He told me all about it and how much it has helped people with all sorts of problems.

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