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Question by Karl T: For Pagans who believe that the Gods are merely psychological archetypes?
For Pagans who believe that the Gods are merely psychological archetypes and are created by the mind of man.

Do you believe that.

1. The Gods can assist you with anything physical in nature? If so how can the Gods assist you with anything physical in Nature given that they are only psychological?

2. Do you believe that the Gods can assist you in areas of the world where human population is sparse?

3. Can the Gods assist you upon death?

4. Do your Gods exist after humanity goes extinct?

5. How does your Gods relate to Nature if they are psychological?

Answers appreciated. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by Evil ?ª???æ? (((Debra)))
1. No. But they can assist me in changing MY nature, to deal with whatever needs to be done. It’s not the spoon that bends, my dear…

2. Yes. They can help me with no one around at all. They don’t exist for other people, they exist for me. (Edit: That didn’t come out right. Ok, MY archetypes and uses of them don’t exist for other people. They aren’t dependent upon others.)

3. Dying, yes. To fight or accept, as need be. Dead, no.

4. Nope. They are metaphors for human nature. Archetypes cannot exist independent of the people who create them. They have no meaning.

5. Humans are a part of nature. I am a part of nature. They are a reflection of my nature.

What do you think? Answer below!

5 Responses to Q&A: For Pagans who believe that the Gods are merely psychological archetypes?

  • ? says:

    Nature is far from Psychological, It is all around for everyone to see, and behold it’s Beauty.
    There is no God that can assist us, Only to Receive us if we so wish.
    It Is Faith in our Humanity and understanding of others that gives us our Beliefs. We Believe in All that is Loving and Free, the air that we breathe. The Sunshine, rain, snow,Each Season that brings with it it’s own Beauty.
    We Sir, Do Not see ugliness or hopelessness.
    We look for and find the Goodness in everyone and Everything. It is our Belief that with humanity came Love, Only man has Destroyed that. As Man is Destroying everything in this World Today.

  • Michelle S says:

    I can only speak for myself as a pagan (Wiccan specifically). The anthropomorphic “gods” people refer to are simply faces for God, a spirit who has no body. And yes I believe in a personal God. I don’t feel like elaborating right now.

  • wolfboy says:

    I can only speak for myself not others, but I think many pagans would be of a similar mind.

    What you have to realise is that as archetypes are products of the mind, so to is the assistance they provide. Archetypes are used when a particular type of magic/assistance/power is needed. If one needed to cast a fertility spell for example, one would invoke a particular fertility goddess which seemed most appropriate to that particular scenario.

    I also believe in an all encompassing force (which can be called God) although his/her exact form and purpose is not something the human mind can comprehend, and this is where all material and immaterial things have originated, via evolution and the big bang of cours (Science and spirituality can go hand in hand).

    As for your questions.

    1. We are more connecteed to the rest of the world than you know it. We are everthing and everything is us. Therefore when casting spells etc which require a physical result, although we may invoke a particular god/goddess/archetype, it is the type of energy surrounding that archetype channelled through our minds that produces that result. But this change is initated purely because of our connection with the rest of the world.

    2. Space does between others does not lessen the power of the mind, as time space and matter are all illusions anyway (see quantum physics)

    3. I am not sure how you mean ‘assist you upon death’ death is just the shedding of ones material shell, the body. No assistance required.

    4. The all encompassing force which I will call God will and has always existed before life and long after life on this planet. The archetypes themselves probably to as even though they are products of the mind, they are also beyond the mind as shown by the fact that so many cultures have similar myths (each with similar characters and scenarios), only the characters have different names. However archetypes require a mind operating at a high enough level (human mind or higher) for them to be able to operate. If no minds like that exist, then they do not operate until possibly some other animal has evolved a high enough level of reasoning for them to come into being again. The archetypes themselves will of course have different names though, but ultimately they should operate the same.

    5. As already stated, we are everything, and everything is us. We are all connected. The mind does not start nor finish within the boundaries of the human skull.

  • ToriElena says:

    i am a pagan and for me i dont believe that gods are psychological and created in the minds of men. that sounds more like athiesm than paganism. i do believe in a higher power. i believe jesus christ existed. i also believe that there are more than one way into “heaven” (christian term). I love rituals and spiritual journeys . I believe in karma, that what we send out will come back to us threefold be it good or bad. i am undecided about reincarnationl. its a lovely concept but i am not sure.
    I think that we all will be judged based the acts and beliefs of each individual…religion is created in the minds of men, not god. i think that god or our higher power has the capability and compassion to be whatever WE need him to be in order for us to have a relationship with him , be it jesus, jehovah, buddah, allah, krishna, zeus, the goddess, or grandfather (native american) or whoever. i stay away from organized religion, televangelists, wierdo’s at airports , cult type people anc churches. god is everywhere and just when i need him he is there to listen.

  • Tahuti says:

    1. Maybe… But through me, or the collective unconscious. (Jung)
    2. I believe animals have psyches as well.
    3. Certainly. We all have to psychologically deal with our own death.
    4. Good question. Not the same ones, probably.
    5. Nature also has psyche… Look up Gaia Theory.

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