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Question by TempressTiger: For people wh have taken adversity or met “the challenge” What do you think about the truth be told tarot c
[Foundation:] Strength
By a tarot card… It say’s it all.. You should check out a reading picking you own card. The accuracy is spooky! And wild!


You possess the taming power of the feminine, which inspires rather than demands.

The card in the Foundation position points to influences from your personal history, your roots and background.

The Strength card here suggests that someone somewhere showed you how spirit can dominate matter by motivating it to rise to a higher expression. It is the essence of true Strength to draw the best from all participants, without forcing anything on anyone.

Because of your experience, you are certain that such a thing can be done. You know there is no chaos so fierce or frightening that it can’t be tamed and led to serve the greater good. This skill gives you the courage that empowers you to go with confidence into the lion’s den.

Lucky The reading was 100%
were faced w/ adversity and turned it into the gift of a lifetime. Blessed &
empowered knowing no matter what the future had in store. Nothing could ever touch ” This GIFT ” they earned. Such strenth confidence and superpower and 3rd eye, put all life in perspective and helps guides the universe towards greatness,love&peace

Best answer:

Answer by Spider
an indian parrot did my cards – and said i’d have 5 good years

What do you think? Answer below!

2 Responses to Q&A: For people wh have taken adversity or met “the challenge” What do you think about the truth be told tarot c

  • sigfred says:

    If i was not mistaken, Tarot C has something to do with fortune telling? (correct me if im wrong) I do not believe in fortune telling nor believe that life can be based on cards or something…

  • Cassandra L says:

    Strength means different things to different people. My interpretation of the Strength card is Facing your fears with your head held high. When the card is upright -you are not letting fear get in the way. Reversed-you are letting fear control you. The lion is representing fear. So if the card is reversed then the lion (fear) is at the top and fear is controlling you. Natural position You are in control. Not everyone uses the reversed positions though. It’s up to you whatever spread you use. It’s nice to see that not everyone is closed minded. Thank God for your open mind! Let your third eye guide you sister. Blessings!!!

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