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Question by ??‡?©??: Has anyone ever tried: “Peter Answers Virtual Tarot?” Did it work for you or anyone you know?
My nephew showed me a website called “Peter Answers Virtual Tarot” & every time him & his friend ask it a question it works & actually gives the right answer.

I have been trying to ask it questions & it is not working for me. I try it & it won’t answer my question, then they type in the same question & it works. They keep telling me you have to believe & it will work. It has never worked for me, so I keep thinking maybe there was some sort of trick to it, but if there is, I can’t figure it out & I’m getting frustrated, so I was wondering if anyone else has ever heard of it & tried it & if it worked for you?

Here is the name of the website:
Even though I know there must be a trick, I keep trying to do it & driving myself crazy! I just remembered the quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Best answer:

Answer by Gazoo
Err…it’s a trick. Your nephew was actually feeding it the answers.

Added: I had to look to remember how it works, but in the petition line you type a period followed by the answer. Fill out the line with spaces. Then ask the question.

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