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Question by Rolando C I: Have you noticed that the history of false religion (namely Christendom) ?
Has always been being involved in Politics and War, celebrating pagan celebrations, consenting immorality,by not administering discipline to members,promoting greed by paying large sums of money to their leaders. etc.

Best answer:

Answer by ZaZo
no nothing noticeable happen..

What do you think? Answer below!

9 Responses to Q&A: Have you noticed that the history of false religion (namely Christendom) ?

  • Iggy P. Golfball says:



  • AndyF says:

    Using your criteria many major religions can be called false.
    I think the problem is mans’ misuse of religion to justify his own actions.
    To add religious overtones to a conflict convinces many a cause is just, when a close examination of the religion abhors certain actions. This is not told to the believers or minimized as it would undermine the rallying cry that it is gods will.

  • KNVB for World Cup says:

    “So you, too, are a believer.”
    “I understand belief.”
    “No-you desire belief.”
    “I desire it enough to act as if I believed. Maybe that’s what faith is.”
    “Or deliberate insanity.”

  • Stewie_knows says:

    Ok whatever floats your boat…

  • Bad Kitty Friday says:

    If you already have answer to questions, then you are using this Q & A board dishonestly.

    This community is not designed as a means to criticize the views of those who hold different beliefs. It has been discovered that many Jehovah’s Witnesses like you do this. As it is not correct to use this forum to criticize members of your faith, it is also not correct for you to do the same.

    You believe you already have the truth and all the answers from your religion as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, am I not correct? Then is it proper to ask people who are not Witnesses to instruct you or are you merely hiding your attempt to “convert” by questions that are really meant to be disguised ways at reaching your end of preaching your doctrine.

    Such is a violation of the guidelines because as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses you will not recognize as correct any answer that does not agree with your particular viewpoint. This forum is designed to help people find practical and trustworthy answers.

    Again, it is dishonest to use this forum to seek answers if you already have them. Your questions then are not questions and this is tantamount to lying. You need to stop doing this for neither you nor anyone else has the right to call other religions false just because your doctrine claims it to be so.

  • Louise C says:

    It all depends what you call ‘fales religion’. over the centuries, christianity did absorb some pagan practices, but I see nothing wrong with that. I think it helped people to be more accepting of christinaity, and also makes life more interesting. A world stripped of all seasonal celebrations and ritual would be a dull and colourless world.

    And while it is true that christian churches have got involved in politics and war,they have also done much good, founding charitable institutions, giving aid to the poor, caring for the sick,suppressing things like infanticide and forced marriage for example.

    And they have created much beautiful art and architecture dedicated to the glory of God, particularly the exquisite churches and cathedrals, which still uplift the human spirit.

  • thin lizzy says:

    I had my response pretty much thought out before I read Bad Kitty Friday’s response. I couldn’t possibly respond any more eloquently than she did and I echo every point made. This is not a forum to be used for proselytizing. Perhaps you should go to the Religion and Spirituality category where, I am sure, you would find many who would agree with you, but quite possibly a lot more who would disagree.

    To each his own.

  • Zelophehad's Daughter says:

    It looks like your question made some people uncomfortable.

    History indeed shows that Christendom has been at the very heart of the bloodshed, political maneuvering, immorality, greed and corruption of the past two thousand years.

    Any encyclopedia or history book shows this to be glaringly true.

    Christendom has long ago abandoned the teachings of Christ and done whatever it could to keep itself in control of people and in particular their money.

    God will soon bring Christendom and all false religion to account for their wickedness.

    (Revelation 18:4-8) 4 And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues. 5 For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind. 6 Render to her even as she herself rendered, and do to her twice as much, yes, twice the number of the things she did; in the cup in which she put a mixture put twice as much of the mixture for her. 7 To the extent that she glorified herself and lived in shameless luxury, to that extent give her torment and mourning. For in her heart she keeps saying, ‘I sit a queen, and I am no widow, and I shall never see mourning.’ 8 That is why in one day her plagues will come, death and mourning and famine, and she will be completely burned with fire, because Jehovah God, who judged her, is strong.

  • An Earthly Hope says:

    Yes I have. There is only one true religion today.

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