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Question by wondering: Hey I had my cards read a few weeks ago, its been playing on my mind and making me panic,are tarots true?
I knew the woman firstly reading my cards and I was ill last year and she said to me that that it wasnt over and that im in for another shock, which has totally thrown me and basically now im having panic attacks cause im thinking what on earth did she mean by that?..Am i just being silly?..

Best answer:

Answer by Derp
Yes, they are 100% accurate. If they said bad things are going to happen, you are so totally screwed. Good luck with that.

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12 Responses to Q&A: Hey I had my cards read a few weeks ago, its been playing on my mind and making me panic,are tarots true?

  • Tina says:

    Nope. Your just beeing silly.

  • Ree Ree says:

    They don’t always tend to be true.
    Tarots are usually just for fun and amusement so don’t take it too seriously only God knows what is going to happen in your future.

  • Moneeyyyyyy says:

    don’t put to much mind on it cause it may happen

    I have read my Tarot Cards B4

    and mostly has came out true but not all

  • Alex E says:

    Ur mind will make u THINK these visions will come true, but they’ll only come true if u make them. Just eat healthy and exercise, remember U decide ur life, not by FAITH, but by ur decisions.

  • marie says:

    its just coincidence.. they train all thier lives to do that sometimes they even get good.. just live your life to the fullest like everyday is ur last

  • Jenna says:

    I’m a pagan, however most people who read cards happen to use the kind that fit in to everyone’s life. It’s basically designed to make you pay attention to what’s going on in your life. No, they aren’t really true, but yes they are trying to get you to realize what your life surroundings are

  • varshini78 says:

    You will have illness repeating some points in your life (all of us do).
    Trust your heart and do not get panic attacks because of this.

    Take in interest in other good things in life and stop thinking about tarots.

  • mp3.chik says:

    giggle. yeah youre being silly. those things are fake. its like saying unicorns are real cuz horses and wings are.. and horns. lol. it was just a coincidence. like reading your horoscope. they are vague so that anyone can relate to the readings.

  • Rolly says:

    No, you should take the advice of mystics very seriously. Look at Greek mythology, what happened to people who didn’t listen to prophets? They got double dose of smiting. Think about the story of Oedipus, do you really want to end up killing your father and sleeping with your mother…do you? Really, do you?

  • Lauren says:

    Shoot, I sooo believe in my tarot/horoscope. Yesterday, I made a payment to Verizon and they were supposed to take it out of my account today and it wouldve been ok as long as I had the sufficient funds (but i didnt get a chance to go by the bank yesterday bc go figure, they close at 12 on wednesdays – i HAVE NO IDEA WHY) and now im worried that it’s gonna overdraw my account today bc i still cant go by the bank. i dont get a lunch break and i dont get off til 3. so ugh. this is what my horoscope said: You may have some concerns about money at the moment. Either there is a lack of funds or you’re not sure what to do with the money you have. Regardless of the situation the solution is the same: be prudent with your spending and things will work out well.

    I mean, seriously? and when me and fiance’ broke up, it was talkin about how the other person didn’t know what they wanted and i was just like okay i can try to get over this. But no, you’re not silly. not at all. I deff believe in that stuff. I don’t know why I wouldn’t because it’s usually right about whats goin on in my life. That’s the first thing i do when i log onto myspace is check my Horoscope Application. lol.

  • Peanut Knight says:

    the way tarot cards are read and interpret kind of vary from person to person, meaning if two people read the same set up, they could have totally different readings, that and weather the person who is reading it is legit.
    Tarot cards just show the possible future. i dont suggest that you change your entire life or freak out about it.

  • Serena says:

    i believe in this stuff but its all how you interpret what they tell you like maybe its something else not actually an illness you may be sick or fed up with something you know? its all how you percieve information. think about everything that can mean. but don’t actually make yourself sick then that could be what shes talking about

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