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Question by Pip: How can i cut religion out of my spirituality?
I like spirituality but hate religion, so i would like to cast away religious thoughts like gods , angels, jesus and sin and live free from delusion, but still spiritual. What type of path can i walk where i am spiritual but believe in only that which has evidence?

Best answer:

Answer by CorruptedSpirit,VT, AM Associate
Buddhism would probably work for you

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14 Responses to Q&A: How can i cut religion out of my spirituality?

  • Terry the Klown says:

    You could always be an atheist. We’re not non-spiritual like many theists like to claim.

  • Emmanuel Hechon says:


    What do you mean by “spirituality” ?
    What are the evidence you need to believe in something ?



  • dojo369 says:

    a spiritual path where you avoid religion lol, the bad thing about religion to avoid is dogma or doctrine, a prescribed way of thinking, this limits your own ability to intuitively know the truth when you find it, and interpret it however you choose to.

    Never mistake spirituality for religion, spirituality deals with fundamental philosophical questions common to everyone like, “what is the meaning of life?”. You can seek answers outside of a religious context, if anything, religion is an extension of philosophy.

  • Terry B says:

    atheism stakes it’s claim on evidence. sounds like your on that path already.

  • David W says:

    I find it strange that you consider spiritual things to be delusions, but STILL believe in the spirituality.

    If you believe in spirituality, then you MUST by definition believe in the spirit realm.

    What makes you choose the spirit realm, but reject everything in it?

    Isn’t that like saying I believe in the ocean, but not in fish?

  • One Armed Scissor says:

    Look into meditation and connecting with the higher self. It makes a lot more sense than religion.

  • NISSI says:

    You cannot have one without the other.

    Spirituality comes from religion, for it is sensitivity or attachment to religion.

  • grandma says:

    Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all His righteousness and then these things will come.
    Read the Bible.KJV is my preference

  • John J says:

    You need not reject the things you have listed. All you have to do is accept the fallibility of the institutions of man. One of these things include Christianity and the manipulation of it.

  • elm says:

    The creator left all of mankind letters of instruction called The Holy Bible. In it are no lies, read it daily, pray for understanding to him through his sons name [John 14:6,14,;1 John 5:14] Ask for the right purpose [James4:3 ] It may mean loss of everthing if you don’t do so soon [John 17:3 , Rev.1:1,;Zephananiah 2:1-3] then pray for someone to come and help you ,they give free and will tach you from the Bible to futher His purpose.This will bring you joy and elavate your spritualty. Matthew 24:14,37 , Psalms 37:11,29

  • lorents says:

    watch two vids by david icke.

    the turning of the tides
    freedom or fascism-the time to choose

    read a book called vatican assassins

    watch a video called,” the roman empire rules today”

    we have all been lied to for a very long time. its about time these lucifarian scum get exposed for what they are doing to spiritual growth.

  • Lady Annmarie says:

    Religion is how you practice your faith and how you believe. Also what others may call “organized religion” “Religious thoughts like gods , angels, Jesus and sin” I believe to be what is….meaning that this is your faith aside from all religions, you believe in this. Spirituality and Faith I believe go hand in hand. That might be why you are having a hard time separating it. Look around you and you will find your evidence, and then just accept what is…is:)

  • Justin M says:

    Thinking about this….I don’t think I can come up with a right answer. The problem that’s cropped up in my mind is that without religion, spirituality ceases to exist, so saying that you want spirituality without the religion is kind of like saying, “I want a cheesburger, but with no cheese.” Granted, spirituality can be seen as a separate entity, but to those who know better. understand that spirituality and religion go hand in hand together.

    Spirituality is what you have left after you shed the doctrines and rules of the religion. It goes from “what is right-what is wrong” to “what is right and wrong…for YOU”. Spirituality is the raw form of the religion in all its glory. However, without the belief in gods, spirits, higher/lower beings, karmic laws, self-power and power in the Universe, spirituality does not and would not exist in your life. It would be just like being an atheist.

    A prime example for me would be…Okay, I’m Pagan. That’s the religious part of me. That’s the backbone to my spirituality. Once I step outside the religion, outside of the rules and teachings, I have the undiluted aspects of it: love, balance, acceptance, faith, understanding. There are spiritual beings guiding me through my life. There are Gods and Goddesses that I take my troubles to.

    Delusions are only what your mind makes them up to be.

    I don’t have a definitive answer to your question. I am sorry. The only thing I can really say is that you must find it out on your own. That is the only way you will find your own inner Truths.

  • ravipati says:

    Please do not be giuided by the worldly understandings of religion as Budhism, Christianity or Islam or Hinduism. Erase that feeling from your mind.

    Then take a dictionary Oxford or Webster and read the meaning of Religion. What actually the literary meaning convreys please understand. Then you needf not leave any thing to persue your spiritual goals.

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