Question by Love Branch: How does the Oprah type new age movement view Christ?
Seems like this movement is booming. Many lovely people who talk about things like love, patience, overcoming fears and other important issues. Yet Christ and the Holy Oracles somehow almost always seem to be downplayed in light of personal accolades.
Is Christ of any substantive value in the New Age movement?
Best answer:
Answer by guyster
A lot of these people see Jesus as a wise prophet. Just not the son of God. You know, like Eckhart Tolle.
The evidence for Jesus being God or God’s son is pretty flimsy. I think Jesus was framed.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Another way to exploit the dumbasses who watch her stupid show.
I don’t think so. I think its an attempt to be all inclusive of every religion, just a kind of spirituality. Its kind of goofy to me. Oprah makes me sick, so that might have something to do with my opinion being what it is.
There’s only one way to Heaven. And that’s through Jesus Christ.
Religions does nothing but promote fear, war and intolerance.
The movement is much greater than Oprah’s wide interests.
Many study all major religions and find the Christ is common to all.
Sadly Jesus is not mentioned. They’re too busy with their feel good nonsense to think about sound doctrine..
she has rejected christ, saying he is irrelevant in todays modern world and salvation can be found in pantheism