Question by dont call me: How long should I fast before a vision quest?
I’m not entirely sure, but I think I should stop eat (Hypothetically) Friday, stop sleeping Saturday, and have a vision or 2 by late Saturday/ Early sunday…?
Best answer:
Answer by bio-rogue
You don’t need to fast beforehand.
Once you begin your quest.
What do you think? Answer below!
Vision Questing is not only bout fasting a lot more is involved its a Spiritual tool sounds as if you have no clue about what you’re doing.
You should smoke a bowl or something on Sunday. Or take like 12 shots of hard alcohol. That may help.
Take hallucinogenic drugs to induce your visions……fasting sucks.
Just stop eating completely. That should do the trick.
These things vary according to your shamanic group, the purpose for the vision quest, the seasons and moon and you shaman leader, who is of course the one you really need to ask.