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Question by AmberWh: How many people truly know the history of religion?
As a christian i know the history of my beliefs, i also know that our holidays were based on pagan holiday’s…how many other christians know this, know that the bible was produced by man, and man choose what books were okay to go into the bible, and which ones weren’t. How many people even know about the council of nicea? Or the fact that the people there were the ones that choose when our holidays would be celebrated. That we do not know the exact date of the death or birth of jesus. How many people have actually read the bible, instead of just accepting what others have said as the absolute fact of what they should believe?

And also why do so many “religious” people sit here and bash other people’s beliefs even if they are pagan, islamic, jewish, etc. When the bible tells us that we are given our own free will, and not to judge other people… The bible even says things about there being other gods for crying out loud!
I know that there is spiritual beliefs far older than the bible… the egyptians, the romans, the greeks, the native americans, the chinese, etc. What i’m say basicly is how many people know the history and facts of their own religion?

Best answer:

Answer by Rod B
You are the exception to the rule.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

11 Responses to Q&A: How many people truly know the history of religion?

  • Lightandtruth says:

    Man was guided by the spirit as they, over the years assembled it, and was influenced by Satan as well to remove and add items, change words. We have what we have.

  • Joe says:

    I applaude you.

  • mamaisaak4 says:

    The only thing I care about is my relationship with Christ. I believe that the bible is the infallible word of the Living God. He is able to make it so that no matter what happened or happens, His Word is never compromised.

  • philosophy major says:

    Waaaaaaaaay less than the amount of people argue about it and claim to know their religion of choice is 100% correct. I know people who think they have greater faith since they believe while knowing nothing instead of learning about it and believing

  • RT 66 says:

    Many people don’t care to dwell on history. I personally find it fascinating.

  • selfoverothers says:

    How many people truly know the religion of history?

  • Catholic Nut says:

    Well you obviously only know a “made up” history of Christianity. The fallacy of Christian holidays being based on Pegan beliefs is a result of the fact that many Christian holidays coincide with Pegan traditions. You should study up on that more carefully instead of jumping to conclusions after hearing/reading what someones opinion is.

  • onelm0 says:

    The scripture says that we should not judge others with a measuring stick that we would not be willing to judge ourselves by.

    Yes, Christmas and Easter are as pagan as the day is long. The celebration days of God are listed in Leviticus chapter 23. The only one that has been substantially altered is Passover, in which Christ became the Passover Lamb sacrificed for us.

    Of course who is it that truly decides which books are okay?

    We do.

    And we reject the ones that are hoagy like Bel and the Dragon.

    Yes, Christ was born in the fall, probably during the feast of tabernacles.

    He was not born in the dead of winter when the shepherds were washing their socks or watching their flocks.

  • Hurley says:

    I study religion as a hobby, so I love learning about histories and beliefs.
    I am also an atheist, in my opinion, giving me the advantage of unbiased knowledge.
    But personally I do find it a great disappointment when i know more about other religions than “Religious” people, and a much greater disappointment when I then realize I know more about their own religions. Sad is the only word that really comes to mind

  • Tonya Midnight Heathen Atheist says:

    There is no true history of religion. Religion is prehistoric. The bible is not the history of religion. Many religions are older than the biblical account of religion.

  • Jeancommunicates says:

    Isaiah 45:22,23
    “Look unto Me, and be ye saved, all the ends of th earth: for I am God, and there is none else. I have sworn by Myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.”

    The Word of God, the Holy Bible, clearly states “In the beginning God…” All the false gods and goddesses are the fallen angel group which after the flood Nimrod made famous. God destroyed the Tower of Babel that Nimrod (Noah’s grandson) built and sent the people into far lands with different languages. The first world was destroyed because the evil of mankind which was fallen angels breeding with the daughters of men and polluting the blood line.

    Nimrod knew about the first world because he was Noah’s grandson and he remembered what Noah had said. However, Nimrod rebelled against God which is what mankind does to this very day with their other religions.

    The Bible is all we need. We either believe God or we believe man. I choose to believe God.

    Only 2 religions: God and man. I choose God.

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