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Question by Shawanna O: How much should I charge for doing Tarot Card readings?
I just started reading Tarot Cards today. I’m not very good yet and let’s be honest I pretty much just make it up as I go. I’m wondering how much I should charge and if you think it’s a good idea to do readings for my friends and family. Serious responses only please I really think this may be my new calling in life!

Best answer:

Answer by Wendy S
Charging money would imply you are an expert and know what you are doing.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

21 Responses to Q&A: How much should I charge for doing Tarot Card readings?

  • Sarah says:

    thats alla bunch of crap…. iva had one friend that had been told a lie and that stupid person was nearly sues. they teall you BS just for a couple of bucks….

  • Buzzo J says:

    well since it’s all made up, charge the going rate.

  • Titan says:

    $10 is the going rate at county fairs around here

  • sailormandave says:

    If people buy into that kind of thing, take them for all you can.

  • Tony says:

    it’s a bit unethical, but go ahead and rob the gullible suckers out of as much as you can.

  • ICE SLICE says:

    They all make it up. Charge the going rate.

  • Selene says:

    Don’t charge

  • Mirage says:

    I wouldn’t charge people until you are confident with what you are doing and you are not making it up. I have been reading cards on and off for a few years and I still don’t charge people. Once you know how to read them properly and you are experienced, an average cost for a reading is anywhere from $25-50 depending on the length of the reading and if you use any other divination tools ( crystals, palm reading, tea leaf reading, etc.)

  • Betsy S says:

    OK, I was going to answer until you said we had to be serious, now I have nothing!

  • Masisa says:

    Yeah, you really found your calling. Making people pay for a load of shit that you “make up as you go”. Too bad your family is going to have to listen to it…i pity them…and you.

  • Mistypaw mew mew says:

    Since this is in the R&S section and not something like employment, I shall show you a scripture =)

    Deuteronomy 18:10-12

    “There should not be found in you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, anyone who employs divination, a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, 11 or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium or a professional foreteller of events or anyone who inquires of the dead.”

    It is a serious response.

  • lollipop says:

    If lying to people is your life calling, that is pretty low. A lot of people actually believe in tarot and make serious life decisions based on a reading. Do you want to be responsible for maybe ruining another persons life just because you think it is fun?

  • crazzy_nascar_chick says:

    You shouldn’t charge anything at all. First of all, you don’t know what you’re doing yet. Second, anything based in spirituality or religion should always be free.

  • Clown Killer says:

    dude,you are gonna make a shitload of money!

    tell people what they want to hear and they’ll comeback

    i would suggest a good 20 bucks a reading

  • Lonny ? says:

    You make it up as you go?


    Well, at least you ADMIT it.

    Not that I condone Tarot card usage, but if you’re serious then you can just look up what others are charging in your area and come up with your own competitive price.

  • Capt. Hook says:

    Forget tarot cards, play three card monty, you’ll make more money.

    . . . where’s the queen . .where’s the queen . .

  • Sour patch says:

    I wouldn’t charge Money when you start off, since your a beginner in the craft, I would charge Later on though as you get good At it…. probably 20 dollars but not now, since your new to it, Add me as a contact appartnley your wicca/witch? cool i’m learning all that and wanna learn tarot card reading too, good luck Oh also send me an emil anytime if you need help i’ve never messed around with those since my parents are religious but when i’m old enough and out on my own i will!:)

  • Hyacinth says:

    Just a precautionary tip here, if you dabble in the occult reading tarot cards or playing with a Ouija Board you get a prize from satan himself.
    demons will come on you and your life will be worse then it ever was before.
    So keep this in mind that the price for each reading will be one more demon gets on you.
    What price is your soul?
    Think about it and please chose life over demons.

    You will regret it for the rest of your life.

  • Tigger says:

    $25.00 for basic Reading
    $75.00 for Comprehensive Reading

  • Betsy says:

    Not to be mean or anything, but I bet you probably bought your tarot card set in the Barnes and Noble bargain section. Anyway, if that is the case, I say you make your money back with each reading. I’d say charge seven dollars. Poser…

  • Andi says:

    i suggest you actually put a lot of time, effort, and research int tarot card reading before you even think about charging someone for a reading.
    it may just be a phase for you…. a lot of ppl go through this phase and end up not going anywhere. you have to be really into the subject and willing to spend a lot of time learning and practicing.
    one of the main reasons i like doing tarot card readings is because i am very into psychology and it’s a big part of reading the cards for ppl. mostly what makes tarot card readings work is the fact that they are archetypes of what happens in most peoples lives at some point so they will be able to relate depending on how you spin it. it takes practice. another thing that is crucial to tarot card readings is knowing symbolism. so you can interpret the cards, don’t just get symbol definitions from one place, look at many.
    i saw one lady charge up to $60 dollars for a reading which i think is incredibly high.
    so anyways, don’t charge people, do it for free to get some practice, and when you get good enough start charging small fees.

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