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Question by Trrevor: How should I level my Tauren Shaman?
Right now hes lvl 15, and hes very hard to play. He is taking the enhancement path, but im not sure where or how to level him. Are there any guides or advice givers out there to help me?

Best answer:

Answer by kagonesti55
For leveling purposes, Enhancement is a good way to go. Even Elemental spec is a decent choice. Resto shamans level very slowly, so if you want to heal in a group or raid, consider dual spec for that. To help you level, go to and look for the QuestHelper addon mod. This will show you the quickest routes to take to complete the quests you have, and where to kill/collect the things you need to complete them. At level 15, you should be at the Crossroads in the Barrens for questing. From there you’ll want to head to Stonetalon Mts, Ashenvale Forest, & Thousand Needles.

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One Response to Q&A: How should I level my Tauren Shaman?

  • Mark says:

    i found lvl enhancement till 60 then go ele till 80 unless you prefer melee over casters then stay enhancement all the way..(still give elemental a try ^_^ )

    Use a 1hand w/shield i find is faster then a 2h, once you get Windfury (lvl 30) it will be faster, and when you get dual wield (lvl 40) it will be a breeeze.

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