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Question by Orthodox_Slav: I don’t believe in ghosts…..this seems to be a problem!!!?
as an Orthodox Christian, I believe that the dead go to sheole, or a “land of the dead” if you will. it’s not heaven, it’s not hell. it’s just waiting for the second coming of Christ. I don’t believe in ghosts, lost souls, etc. but I do believe in satan and his demons. and when we entreat these “spirits”, we are inviting demons into our lives.

now this is a bit of a problem for my mother. she goes to this lady, a shrink, who also claims to “see and hear the dead”. she tells me that this woman says I havent been talking to my dead grandparents enough anymore.

and my mom drags me to this metaphysical fair. they have dream catchers, sage incense, potions and crystals, tarot cards and ouija boards. I don’t believe in this stuff, and to a certain point it’s sinful witchcraft.

how do I explain to my mom that I don’t want to go to this because it’s spiritually dangerous?!

Best answer:

Answer by son of God

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8 Responses to Q&A: I don’t believe in ghosts…..this seems to be a problem!!!?

  • Zompaq Zompaq says:

    Ghosts do exhausts but there is no form of consciousness operating them. All ghosts are part of peoples unconscious mind. It’s energy that builds up in years.. I have my own ghosts in my room right now and I’m not in my room… After people die that energy is still there but it will start to weaken as there’s no more energy supporting it.. Also your energy will transition that space and your own ghost will be there.

  • Logic / Reason / Evidence says:

    Why don’t you give here evidence it is spiritually dangerous? That which can be asserted without evidence can be denied without evidence.

  • Chris says:

    Those things are a problem. They are sinful and demonic.

    Now there are no dead people that become “ghosts”. There are demons that can pretend to be “ghosts”, in order to try and deceive people.

    Demons always mean harm, destruction, and death to people. And only JESUS stops demons and drives away demons.

    Most importantly, orthodox is not Christian. Orthodox cannot get anyone into heaven, because orthodox teaches works for salvation, and that is a false gospel of works (Galatians 1:6-9) that is against JESUS’S free gift of salvation!

    And orthodox will not give you a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus, which is what JESUS wants with you!

    So, you need to get away from orthodox, and instead, to believe in JESUS for His free gift of eternal life in heaven! John 3:16! :D!

    The truth about death is that death brings immediate heaven or hell, depending only on whether you believed in JESUS for His free gift of salvation, or not. There is no second chance to be saved, after death.

    Heaven is eternal joy with the Lord! 😀

    The lake of fire is eternal separation from God, eternal torment, and eternal corruption. Nobody has to be sent to the lake of fire.

    So to be in heaven and not in hell, believe in Jesus for salvation RIGHT NOW!

    Jesus is God, and Jesus loves you so very much! 😀 And the Trinity is true!

    The truth about Jesus is that the only way to be saved and to get into heaven and avoid being sent to hell, is by believing in JESUS for His free gift of eternal life in heaven, believing in faith alone that Jesus, who is God, died on the cross for all our sins as FULL PAYMENT for all our sins, and then Jesus rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). Believe in Jesus for His free gift of salvation, and you will be in heaven, no matter what! John 3:16, John 6:47! 😀

    Salvation is a FREE GIFT that happens in a split second when you believe in JESUS for His free gift of salvation! It is impossible to lose or “leave” salvation (John 6:39-40, John 10:28, 1 John 5:13).

    Please pray now: “Jesus, I believe that You died on the cross to pay for my sins and that You rose from the dead, and I thank You for eternal life!” You will be in heaven with Him forever when you die! 😀

  • Simon T says:

    So, talk to your dead grandparents. Tell them something very detailed.

    Then write it down and put it in a sealed envelope.

    Now when you and your mother go to this medium ask her to ask your grandparents what it was that you told them. Then give the envelope to your mother to compare.

    If only debunking your delusions were as simple.

  • V Ade says:

    Ask your mom to do something that you love to do but she hates.

    Show that you respect her beliefs and then let ask her to respect your beliefs.

    Give her information about your beliefs:
    Let her know that chose to be born onto this planet to experience this reality.
    And that you want to create and experience life as it should exist on earth.
    Once your done with adventure, then only at that time you will be ready to move on to non- earthly realms.

    good luck..!

  • Christina says:

    Are you a minor? I guess if you are an adult I’d just refuse to go.

    There are numerous verses about witchcraft being dangerous. Does she believe in the Bible? People asked us all sorts of weird questions like that after a close family member passed away and you know what…When I die I don’t plan on floating around this crappy planet waiting for people to visit me. My personal beliefs of eternity are slightly different from yours, but I definately don’t think your grandparents are hanging out and waiting on you to talk to them. That’s really creepy.

  • Meaghan says:

    Just tell her it makes you uncomfortable and you don’t want anything to do with it.

  • Nikolaos says:

    I’m sorry but that spiritual seanses are demonic and satanic, don do that.
    and you are wrong. there is hell and heaven and souls go there, BUT they are incomplete humans and their punishment or beatitude are incomplete. all men will complete on the second comeing when they will be resurected – they will be full humans, with bodies and with souls together, but the difference is that the body will conspired with soul, soul won’t be conspired with body like in this world.

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