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Question by Courtney V: I just had a tarot reading done and my two cards were: The tower; and The Devil. Should I be concerned?
Anyone know about these? Should I be frightened?

Best answer:

Answer by Jackie
It depends where they were placed in the spread. The Tower card isn’t so much a bad card, but it represents an unexpected change of events or something major. The Devil represents issues we have, or our dark side. It can also mean we’re overindulging ourselves as well. Like I said, it depends where it was placed.

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4 Responses to Q&A: I just had a tarot reading done and my two cards were: The tower; and The Devil. Should I be concerned?

  • starbear says:

    The Devil is making you look at your own demons. Making you look at yourself. And this is a card that I’m definitely going to read from the book about. “It’s time to confront your demons. Hell is our own creation.” We do, we create our own Hell. “We can not move forward in our lives without facing that which torments us”. That can be negative emotions such as anger, such as fear, such as resentment, vengeance, and jealousy. These are all demons, negative emotions that most of us have and actually we all have because we’re human, but these are emotions that you can look at in relation to whomever you are dealing with, and heal yourself so that you can move forward. The Devil is a great card because it reminds you to look at yourself and look at the fear, look at the Hell that you’re creating for yourself. It’s a time for healing really, that’s what it means.

    The next card is the Tower, and this is a pretty interesting card because everyone thinks, how great is that I’m going to be up on a tower. What it’s telling you is that if you have a lot of material success in your life don’t get smug and don’t get compliant. Complacency is not a good thing because sometimes people can ride high on their material successes that they have and feel very confident about it and that happens a lot when we look at history stock market crashes and things like that, I’m very wealthy. Well whatever you can have can also crumble and that’s what the Tower is, it can fall. Treasure everything you have, it’s as fragile as a house of cards. It really is, so treasure it and don’t be smug about it; share your wealth, whatever you have. It’s a check about where you are in life and happy with whom I am and okay with all that I have. And remember, true abundance comes from within and if you have a lot of material wealth it’s always good to, it’s kind of reminding you to share it all because when you give out you get more back, it’s just the way the universe works.

  • SadharaSatguru says:

    Hello Courtney

    What was the question asked & what position did they arise in? All is relevant.

    You should not be scared, in general the Tower is a bolt of realisation & Devil a clinging to what is not good for you.

    * see profile *

  • Devo says:

    For my deck, the Tower is struggle, and the Devil is light at the end of the tunnel. Soooo… you could have problems, but you’ll get through them. At least, according to my deck’s booklet thing.

    Hope it helps.

  • Julie B says:

    The tower is not always a bad card depending on how you precieve it . It means change in every level good and bad you can never have something good before something bad happens. Change is always good even if at the time it may not seem right. The devil is not always a basd card eather it is a card of many faces it points the way too self change and that of liberation and / or healing. Depending on how the card is positioned.

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