Question by Supernova: I want to use my Yu-gioh cards for tarot readings?
Is there a book or a website that can teach me to use them in that way? I don’t like using conventional tarot cards.
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Answer by webster
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I gagged on my drink for a second there.
Stay in school kid.
lol Jewish… you gagged and I spit out a little soda..
That was just hilarious
Kid… you should first know what tarot cards are before you try to play around, and no, you cannot substitute yugioh for tarot…
yugioh is a cartoon… tarot is a wiccan belief.
You can only use the original cards for that. The new cards are full of errors and complexities that the older cards didn’t have.
I suggest making a Harpy Lady deck. That was my favorite.
😛 I was such a dork…