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Question by Tkoho: I would appreciate a general overview of the pagan//witch beliefs…I have been studying the metaphysical, but
have limited knowledge of the pagan religion…would someone fill me in…it sounds very interesting..and I think it is nature based? Also, what is the difference between a pagan and a witch? Thanks for taking the time to help me out!

Best answer:

Answer by Today’s Phophet
forget pagan religion, forget religion all together, because all religion is Spiritual fraud;

Here’s the Solution for religion:

Create a Private, Personal, Direct, Divine Relationship with Our Creator and save Your Soul from religion’s and atheist’s beliefs and start Your journey back home, to Heaven.

<<<<<<< Love is the answer >>>>>>>

Love and Believe in Our Creator;
Love and Believe in Yourself.

Only with Our Creator’s Love and Peace will we be Truly Free!

Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!

“religion is Spiritual fraud”;
“religion is the Worse invention of humanity”;
“Universal Truth has eliminated religion from Spirituality”,
quotes of Jesus Christ, Buddha and any one else with Spiritual intelligence.

“When a person is freed of religion, they have a better chance to live a normal and wholesome life.” S. Freud

Freedom of religion is Freedom from religion.

atheists = all the people in religion = all the ignorant fundamentalists = all the cults/superstitions = paganism = wicca = xians = homosexuals/lesbians = skinheads = politicians = lawyers.

What do you think? Answer below!

7 Responses to Q&A: I would appreciate a general overview of the pagan//witch beliefs…I have been studying the metaphysical, but

  • Jill says:

    Many Pagans refer to themselves as witches. Pagan practice with The Craft. Wiccans are also witches. Wiccans are very earth based, but not all Pagans are.
    Pagan is an umbrella term for many, many traditions. Egyptian, Norse, Celtic, Hellenistic…the list goes on. A lot of people mesh together traditions. They usually refer to themselves as eclectic.
    I recommend the site for an over view. She has done a pretty good job. I like Scott Cunningham even though I’m Pagan, not Wiccan. He has a really nice outlook on the entire thing.
    Blessed Be

  • Stormwind says: has a great number of articles about Paganism, including basic beliefs, etc.

  • Boar's Heart says: and The Cauldron (on Delphi Forums), if it’s still around, are good places to start for reliable info and contacts.

    “Drawing Down the Moon” by Margot Adler will give you a solid, if somewhat dated, background on both. Look for a newer edition; it got updated at some point.

    I’ve got a couple threads in my post history where I and many others have answered in more detail. Feel free to look! 🙂

  • hedgewitch18 says:

    Check out
    Paganism is a very broad field. Not all witches will say they are Pagan. Not all Pagans are witches. Hedgwitchcraft is very nature based and solitary . It is less formal than coven witchcraft and uses herbs for healing, works with natural energy etc.

  • Vultureman says:

    Their is no one pagan religion all pagans choose their own belief often based off commonly recognized, ideals, traditions, rituals, beliefs etc.

    The following is way over generalized because their are as many pagan ways to do things as their are individual pagans.

    They like to say “Choose your own path.”

    I heard one acronym People Adoring Goddess And Nature.
    that is a way to think of it. Most pagans worship a goddess many a god as well, and most of them believe that a key to their spirtual beliefs is the appreciation of nature and the cycles of nature and the seasons.

    Witches are a common way of labeling the groups who follow the traditions of Wicca a very popular form of Paganism. They generally are considered to be one type of Pagan. Two other popular types are Shamans and Druids.

    As far as the Metaphysical, that is my weakest subject, that is a part of Paganism I will leave to my fellow Pagans, who could tell you much better, I suspect.

    May the Goddess guide your studies.

    Blessed Be.

  • MacMorrigan says:

    First there isn’t just one pagan religion. Pagan is a very broad term used to denote any religion other than Jewish, Christian, and Islam. The beliefs found within the pagan religions very greatly.

    I’m a polytheist, many but not all pagans are. I personally do not like to use the word pagan when describing myself or my faith because it was originally meant as an insult.
    As a polytheist I believe in the existence of many gods and goddesses. Each one is a separate being with his/her own personality and concerns. I worship and give honor to the deities of the pre-Christian Irish Celts. I also give honor to my ancestor and the spirits of Sky, Land, and Sea. I have four major holy festivals in the year each festival in the pre-Christian days of my ancestors marked an important agricultural event. I believe in reincarnation as do many other pagan religions.

    You do not have to practice witchcraft or believe in magic to be a pagan. You don’t even have to believe in God/s to be a witch. Witchcraft is a specific philosophy of magic and its use. You can use magic and not be a witch. A witch practices witchcraft and there are several other magic philosophies that you can study and use. Other practitioners of magic include Druids, Magi, Magicians, and Sorcerers; each have their own philosophy on what magic is and how it is used.

  • Fuguee says:

    I concur with Boar’s Heart completely – when I was first talking to someone about the Craft oh so many years ago, the first book I was given to read was Margot Adler’s Drawing Down The Moon – while yes it could use an update, it is still to this day the book I most recommend to anyone considering the start to their path.

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