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Question by Fuzzy Tail!: If science can explain experiences we call “metaphysical”, doesn’t that mean the metaphysical doesn’t exist?
Say, for example, neurology explained away the healing power of prayer and meditation. (If it hasn’t already.)

(I posted this in “philosophy” too…)
Threshold: Yes. Thanks for your condescension.

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Answer by Threshold
Do you understand what metaphysical means? =)

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5 Responses to Q&A: If science can explain experiences we call “metaphysical”, doesn’t that mean the metaphysical doesn’t exist?

  • AnArdRi says:

    If I could refer you to “Language, Truth and Logic” by Alfred Jules Ayer, you would discover that the metaphysical, being unverifiable and unobservable, really ought not be considered in reason and logic.

  • alia says:

    I think science will explain why meditation has benefits…just like acupuncture is now accepted and chinese herbal medicine (some of it…the parts they have tested to be benificial at least!). I don’t think your typical prayer is equal to meditation though. Meditation is about calming, focusing, and becoming centered without emotion. Prayer to me seems too self centered and emotional to have much benefit.

  • Dragon Dog says:

    The same applies to ESP (extra-sensory perception). Also Para-normal, super-natural, etc.

    Once you prove UFO’s exist, they are no longer ‘unidentified’.

    Some people use science, to find God. As the paradox you mention works out in their lives, they begin to realize that all the rest can be explained. All except themselves. You are ‘metaphysical’, and in you is the ‘Metaphysical’. Science narrows the field of search down quite well…

  • sherl pagan vt says:

    while science can explain a lot it cannot explain everything.

    i think the mind is an amazing thing…things wrought by prayer or meditation is just the mind focusing the energy around us.

    i believe we will always have things that cannot be explained by logic or science.

    bright blessings to you.

  • auntb93 says:

    No. If science explains a particular phenomenon we have been calling metaphysical, then it is no longer metaphysical. That does not imply that all other metaphysical phenomena either do not exist or are not metaphysical.

    I like the analogy with UFO: once you have identified it, it is no longer an Unidentified Flying Object. Now it is an IFO.

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