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Question by Shameleah K: In Wicca do you have sex with strangers as sex is considerd sacred?
Apparently sex is sacred in wicca does this mean that they have sex with strangers or just people in their coven?

In the Great Rite which is a sexual ritual is that like a big orgy?? are wiccans out there confortable with that?

Best answer:

Answer by picard
sex is sacred in Christianity too, God created it

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8 Responses to Q&A: In Wicca do you have sex with strangers as sex is considerd sacred?

  • Demun says:

    They probably only sleep with their mothers until they find a stranger

  • baldguy642000 says:

    I don’t know but I’d sign up to find out.

  • Andrees L says:

    Alot of people go into Wicca because of Harry potter , tv series charmed. Their are dangers from perverts entering into a coven just for sex with young girls who use wicca as a fad because it’s fashionable. This could be one of the reasons why it’s the fastest growing religion in America today.

    Sex is the most sacred of acts in Wicca, as stated in a few forms of the Charge of the Goddess: “All acts of love are for their worship”. Sex is a way to unite the divine masculine and feminine into one ‘being’, this being the divine masculine in males, and vice versa for females. Sex should never be viewed as something that ‘just feels good’, but remembered as a sacred gift given to them (wiccans) by their lord (Pan, the goat or the horned god) and the Lady to be used as a form of worship, leading to the appreciation of the cycle of life (birth, death and rebirth).

  • Rogue Wyndwalker says:

    LOL Wow there is a lot of misunderstanding going on in this question. Sex is sacred because we believe that we all have divinity within us as children of our Creator. (God is omnipresent) Since we are all divine in our own way, so are our bodies and all of the desires and needs that come with being in a physical body. That includes sex, and means that we don’t find sex to be ‘dirty’ or ‘sinful’.

    That doesn’t mean that we go around having sex with strangers or are promiscuous. I, personally, am Pagan, and I’ve had sex with one person in my entire life — my husband. I feel that sex is an important and vital part of life — the fullest expression of love that should be shared ONLY with someone you love and trust.

    The Great Rite, is a SYMBOLIC sex rite that involves plunging a ritual dagger into a chalice to symbolize the birth of creation and the sexual act. I imagine there are very few covens out there that participate in group orgies. That is not what we are about… at all.

  • AzaC says:

    Wicca – British witch religion. Let’s not even go there, eh?

    Apparently, own coven only, as the coming of age ritual.

    I don’t think anyone thinks it’s right – the girl is normally blind-folded and this is considered a ritual “of belief”.

    That being said, much Wicca text is banned, so they don’t get the opportunityto put forward theire point of view (all I know is from kids (!) book on witchcraft from the eighties).

  • StJames says:

    Let me know when you find out. American Christians enjoy putting all kinds of taboos in our lives. I don’t know if an orgy is such a bad thing? Sounds kinda fun, if it weren’t for the whinin’ nosebleeds who try to control others with their “morals”.

    And to the nutjob who said “God created sex”. Who’s been
    p!ssin’ in your kool-aid. Hell , Man wrote the Bible and Man created the concept of god.

    The Godgame has been evolving for as long as there’s been humans. We used to have many, now we have one. This new “onegod guy” wants us to preach love, then run out and murder the women and children of those who don’t choose to be part of that superstition.

    If the Bible were truly the “word of God” then the ressurection of Christ wouldn’t have four different descriptions. It would all be one since it supposedly was inspired by God.

    Jeeze, we need to drop the religious stuff. People are getting killed because of these ancient superstitions.

  • Ophelia says:

    Oh, that is complete bullsh!t.I’ve been Wiccan for 15 years and counting, and have not once engaged in an orgy.You’re confusing us with the Ancient Romans.And yes, sex is sacred, and is done for the sheer joy of it, because it stands to reason that a pleasurable act would naturally bring about one of the worlds most pleasing gifts, our children.My son is my pride and joy and I love him above all.And I thank the Mother daily for allowing me to have such a wonderful gift in my life.Go study your history.

  • bluefirewitch says:

    I am sure there are Wiccans who do have sex with strangers, but as a whole, there is no doctrine on how to behave sexually other than the Wiccan Rede which states An Harm none, do what thou will.

    Many Wiccans consider sex a sacred act because we believe the world was created through the union of the God and Goddess. That union is then celebrated and reinacted.
    Many Wiccans believe that a higher state of consciousness is acheived during states of sexual arousal and orgasm. This power can be used durilng ritual and spellwork. Therefore sexual energy production is encouraged in many groups and individuals.
    Because we don’t experience the same sexual guilt like many other religions, we feel free to explore our sexual needs, desires and appetites as long as we are following the Wiccan Rede.

    The Great Rite that you speak of in a more traditional sense is the High Priest and Priestess performing the Great Rite during Beltane(May 1st) ritual. That is two people having intercourse withing the confines of the magickal circle. But The Great Rite does not have to be about sex at all. It can be symbolic. There are many symbolic metaphors and tools that Wiccans use to visualize the joining of the God and Goddess. For example the Maypole which represents the Horned God’s phallus entering the Earth and being surrounded by the womb of The Goddess.
    Another symbol for the joining of male and female is the besom or broom. The staff of the broom is phallic and the brush is yonic.

    In closing, as a Wiccan, I am very open with my bisexuality. I am happily married, but get great pleasure from looking at women. I don’t want to share my sexual energy with another though. I don’t think anyone could please me the way he does anyways.

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