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Question by Flingershock (Suspended): In your opinion, do you believe there is something sacred or religious about sex? Like it’s not something to?
be taken lightly?

Best answer:

Answer by Timid Women Rarely Make History
Yes. I do.

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12 Responses to Q&A: In your opinion, do you believe there is something sacred or religious about sex? Like it’s not something to?

  • total WH0RE says:

    not me! but i’m total skank wh0re so you know…..

  • sharisse24 says:


  • penguin says:

    it isnt something to be taken lightly. but i dont believe in HAVING to wait until marriage or anything. it should be done with someone that you truely care about, not just to get the pleasure of it out of the way. people can do that on their own anyways, so why not wait to find a person to share it with? (basically dont do it just to do it.. do it when you care about someone)

  • Libby says:

    No, I don’t. Sex is a basic instinct and about as primal as it gets.

    That said, I think it’s foolish to be reckless about sex, and it IS more enjoyable when it’s with someone you care about. But as for the act itself, it’s just mating. We do it just the same as the rest of the animal kingdom.

  • vanessa says:

    i believe its both for satisfying and also the point in life where you join with someone you become one and has very special meaning…so yes i see it both ways

  • Steve says:


    It’s natural and is done for reproduction. If it had religious purpose, then every animal would either get married or go to hell. Nothing says you can’t use protection either, manipulating it for feeling is fun!

  • Alice says:

    To be honest i don’t know much about religion but i do know about feelings and emotions which to me everyone may not have a religion yet they all have feelings and emotions. from past experience3 religious or not sex can sometimes hurt mentally, and weather your religious or not always be sure because now after a few people iv Learnt sex is sEASYiy to do but rmebeer your umbers never go down but up

  • Dexxter says:

    Without sex there will be no religion, so this is hypocritical question.
    there was a religion back in 1860´s, something called crikers religion, which did not believe in sex by any means. That was a short religion that dies after 50 or so years, because it dint have members. Only means to get more believers were adopting, but adopting is still not allowed to religious groups, but parents instead

  • ?RawR? says:

    I don’t have any belief in religion so to say I think of it as a sacred or religious act would be wrong. I do however think its something you can take both seriously and lightly.

    On the serious note, I think that choosing who you do such things with is important. People wear bras and underwear for a reason, to cover private areas. Yet some people so willingly show off these areas to people they have known for five minutes at a party or club. Sex is such an intimate act that I feel it should only be done with someone who will respect your body and deserve to be in its presence. Love is a huge topic here too. Making love to one another is such an amazing thing and brings you so much closer in your relationship.

    On the lighter note, I don’t believe it should be saved until marriage. I do believe that’s a bit much. Although it would compliment the points I made on the serious note, statistics show that a lot of marriages don’t end well. There is so much divorce in the world and it can happen to any relationship. Even the happiest of couples can end up divorcing. This would then make the whole waiting for marriage thing pretty pointless. I also think that the occasional quicky or fun role playing in the bedroom is healthy for a relationship. Why does is have to be the hollywood romantic love making? As long as you are both happy and having fun but mainly appreciating each other. What does is matter if you go at it like rabbits.

  • Rickie says:

    Yes I do. Sex isn’t like kissing or hugging, its not something to be taken lightly with no feelings attach to it. I look down on people who have sex for enjoyment, not love. I’m not saying wait till your married, I am saying that it should be with someone you love and yes you can love more then one person in a life time. Its sad really how people treat sex as if its nothing. Pathetic actually.

  • ganglymoose54 says:

    Yeah, I do. It’s a pretty intense emotional connection, really only meant for someone that you intend on spending the rest of your life with. And that in itself contradicts every norm in today’s society.

  • deelell says:

    That’s a good question
    I don’t believe it should be taken lightly at all!!!!!!!!
    Animals do it for breeding no fun involved what so ever
    Humans do it for the same plus some fun
    Some take it to another whole different level all together and I don’t believe that is what sex was meant for
    But hay us humans can make a buch money off of any thing….. right!!!!!

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