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Question by Dances with Kali: Is engaging in sacred sex the true marriage, where at its heights the two are in union as one……. spirit?
And is it folly to think a piece of paper or the words of a priest make it real?
Sacred sex isn’t just about the sex act itself, it’s about raising the Divine energy or the energy of God/Goddess. : )

Best answer:

Answer by Labgrrl, Phoe’s RL wife

The piece of paper, however, grants legal protections. Over 3000 specific ones, in the USA.

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7 Responses to Q&A: Is engaging in sacred sex the true marriage, where at its heights the two are in union as one……. spirit?

  • Secret Agent of God (BWR) says:

    What’s sacred sex? Is that like…doing it with crosses and bishop hats on, or what?

  • D. says:

    I don’t believe so personally, as some couples may not even be able to engage in sex. I dont think that makes them any less married. I also don’t think its a piece of paper. I believe the committment between the two of them IS marriage.

  • Tabatha says:

    When you consummate your marriage is when you become one flesh. i believe that’s the definition of being married. on the other side of that…we are supposed to respect the laws of man. therefore..if it takes a piece of paper to say you are married in the eyes of the law, you have to abide by that.

  • phoenixstarshine says:

    Yes! most definitely

  • banjaran says:

    marriage is sacred and all other things follows.

  • Muthu S says:

    This FEMALE energy is dormant in man and women and to raise this energy -up no priest or a partner is needed. It is spiritual aspect.
    In earthly life true marriage and sex is sacred among human.

  • Rez Rostov says:

    I don’t know what “sacred sex” is but it sound very christian to me just from the word sacred; I’ve never heard of it anyway.

    I think consummation is the real act of union between a man and woman, not so much the ritual and the words and the signed pieces of paper and legal mumbo-jumbo. consumation could be “sacred sex” but I don’t know. Basically it boils down to the two people agree to become “married” in whatever terms their religion and/or society has for them, they perform whatever rituals they feels are appropriate and then they consummate the union with the sexual act.
    not to say I’m against pre-marital sex, I just think the act as apart of the marriage ritual is extra special somehow.

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