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Question by Valerie J: Is Freemasonry a Pagan Religion ?
1. 33 degree Freemasons founded a secret Order for the wives, daughters and sisters of Freemasons.(Eastern Star)

2. ‘Revelations’ TAUGHT in the ‘History Of The Order Of The Eastern Star (1917)’ by Jean M’Kee Kenaston link an army Commander and a Judge of ROME to the crucifictions conducted by pagan Roman Freemasons.

3. The text has its origins in Freemasonry and describes how the Roman Commander was a MASON.

4. The text explains how a citizen of Rome was questioned because SHE was known to have CONVERTED from pagan idolatry to the religion of Christ.

5. For her refusal to recant she was imprisioned.

6. In prison she was visited by a Masonic Judge.

7. The Judge failed to convince her to renounce her religion and she was taken to the nearest hill – where she was crucified.

Today we UNCOVER the pagan religion Freemasonry of Ancient Rome from the teachings and books available to Female initiates of the Eastern Star.

Best answer:

Answer by Barrett G
No. It’s not even religion.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

27 Responses to Q&A: Is Freemasonry a Pagan Religion ?

  • aessamenevrah says:

    It isn’t a religion, it’s a fraternal order.

  • 5 Point Calvinist says:

    You will not get a true answer to this question as all those who know the answer, will not answer your question.

  • hate y'll says:

    its not a religion!
    there’s no god, no book, no punishment in case u dont bend over…

  • Ptah says:

    Its not a religion at all. It’s a social and political group

  • Heathen Princess HPFBD JPA says:

    Man you people will believe ANYTHING

  • yeahwhodoo says:

    Not a religion but rooted in religous doctrine

  • ??????? ?????????? says:

    Freemasonry is not a religion.

  • Bob L says:

    it’s a fraternal organisation. i’m sorry you’re not intelligent enought to see the difference

  • Pirate AM™ says:

    No, it is not now, nor has it ever been a religion.

  • Stormchaser says:

    It’s a heretical Cult!

  • Mormon McDucky says:

    It’s not a religion, so no.

  • nacsez says:

    you are QUITE misinformed. Scottish Freemasonry did not even officially start until after 1500 so it makes no sense to talk about “roman freemasons”. furthermore, while they are not a religious organization, they have deep roots in christianity and have been from the very start. i suggest you continue to read up on them and perhaps start reading credible sources…

  • gertystorrud says:

    It is just another Cult with “Toxic and Defective “faith”!!

  • Supai says:

    …it’s not a religion.
    In fact, I think if you understand the Bible as allegory you are elevated to higher positions than say, a devout Christian that believes that Jesus was a literal, historical figure.

    MSB: I believe Manly P. Hall was a 33rd degree mason.

  • Josephine says:

    I am a Member of the Order of the Eastern Star. I have served as the Star Point Martha.

    Without speaking out of turn, Freemasonry is not a religion per say as it is actually composed of a number of people from different religions.

    However, it would allow those who fall under the traditional definition of Pagan (to encompass the faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic group of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. -wikipedia) so it could be considered an organization that allows Pagans.

  • Darryl B says:

    Not a religion.

    Stormchaser, I didn’t think ANYONE was gullible enough to take Bob Larsen seriously! He’s about as credible as Jack Chick.

  • MSB says:

    It’s not a religion. It’s more like a fraternity.

    My husband is a freemason. Most Masons are Christian. They require a member to believe in a Higher Power, they do not tell them how to define that Higher Power, so it doesn’t matter what religion the man personally practices.

    The Eastern Stars are the female counterpart group to the Freemasons. They are mostly Christian as well, and don’t require anyone to be or practice a specific religion.

    There is no 33rd degree, this is a Christian myth.

  • Magick Kitty says:

    you really have a thing against Freemasonry

  • Frau Hunter JPA says:

    Some will believe anything, won’t they? Do you also believe that the earth is flat or hollow and the Illuminati are controlling the world? There were no Roman freemasons. Your “facts” are laughable and your story is nothing but propaganda.

    Why do people accept anything told to them at face value?

    # # #

    Stormchaser: You might want to drop Larson’s book into the nearest trash bin. I’ve met the man and listened to him for over 2 years. He is a fraud, an adulterer, possibly a tax evader/thief and a con man. His book on cults is laughable and was riding the supposed “cult awareness” movement of the 1980s-90s and 95% debunked. He scrapes through by traveling the states doing on-the-spot exorcisms on mentally disturbed, drama queens and planted actors.

  • metanoia says:

    Josephine’s profile and answer should answer that question. Eastern star uses a pentagram as their symbol. No, I’m sure they’re not religious at all….lol

    Same with MSB…she is Universalist, which is not Christian. She says that most Masons are Christian. No, a Christian who figured out what the Masons are about would have nothing to do with the works of darkness. A churchian, one who attends a church or who is a member of a certain church or denomination, does not a Christian make.


  • rivasj27 says:

    It is not a religion!

  • plushy_bear says:

    Actually, it’s not. Also, another poster mentioned a number of Masons are Christian – only because there are more Christians in general; my father was a Mason and he was Jewish (I say was only because he passed, not because he converted).

    The Freemasons have their origins in the guilds of operative masons who built the cathedrals during the middle ages. They included both masons, architects, and engineers. At some time, the guilds permitted the entry of “speculative” masons, who were generally the elite of the day. The “recorded” history of freemasonry began in 1717 with the founding of the United Grand Lodge of England.

    People say that freemasonry is a secret society, but how can that be when you can purchase books containing the ritual, and you can even see what the rituals are by doing an internet search.

    Freemasonry includes achieving different degrees. The ritual of those degrees comes from the Bible, and it teaches values such as Charity and a belief in a Supreme Being.

    Much of what Freemasonry does involves charitable works. This includes the Shriners and their Shrine hospitals and burn centers which provide free medical care to children. The medical care is free, and they will even drive you to your appointments at the hospital if you live some distance away.

    The sign of freemasonry includes the square and compass. The square would symbolize fair dealing (being on the square), and the compass would symbolize being circumspect. The “G” in the center of the figure of the square and compasses refers to “God”, the belief in whom is the foundation of freemasonry.

    Many of the great leaders of the American revolution were freemasons, including George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and John Hancock. Also, many of our great presidents were freemasons, including James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt,, the most recent of whom was Harry S. Truman. Bill Clinton, although not a freemason, had been a member of DeMolay, a masonic-affiliated organization. Many foreign leaders were freemasons, including Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, Simon Bolivar, and Napoleon Bonaparte. Famous people in the military include William “Buzz” Aldrin (astronaut), General Omar Bradley, General Jimmy Doolittle, General Douglas MacArthur, General John “Black Jack” Pershing, and Air Force Ace Eddie Rickenbacker. Other famous people include, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Louis Armstrong (jazz musician), Irving Berlin (composer), Roy Clark (western singer), George Frederick Handel (composer), Norman Vincent Peale (religious leader), W. E. B. DuBois (educator / scholar), Medgar Evers (civil rights leader), Jesse Jackson (civil rights leader), John Marshall (Supreme Court Chief Justice), Sir Isaac Newton, Voltaire (French philosopher), and John Wayne (actor).

    You may find masons in many occupations. In my town, many of the freemasons are members of the construction trades, they are employed in law enforcement, health care, the ministry of the Gospel, etc. They are also deacons and elders, and vestrymen at our local churches.

    The belief in the existence of a Supreme Being (God) is required to become a freemason. In that regard, masons accept Christians, Jews, and Muslims, as well as some who may be described as deists or theists.

    To the poster who mentioned a pentagram – an interesting fact: In later times, it was used by medieval Christians to symbolize the five wounds of Christ, and figured in the heavily symbolic Arthurian romances.

    Also (although not totally relevant to this discussion), the swastika was originally a Native American symbol that the Nazis defiled. All very interesting, IMHO!

  • ???Been There Done That??? says:

    Honestly, I don’t know…..I know that many people say they are….and if you ask a Freemason this question they say no……so who really knows????

  • cl_freemason says:

    Give it up already. Everyone knows you have multiple names on Yahoo and that they all propose the same lies about freemasonry… Why do you have such a grudge against them?

    The Eastern Star is a US based group for female relatives of freemasons, hardly secret, ominous or otherwise.

    Freemasonry is not a religion.

    Stop copying the same question over and over again…

    why not do something original like tell us why you hate freemasonry so much????

    to some others:

    * Storm – why not read some actual masonic texts to learn what its really about rather than spouting some antimasonic rhetoric and lies by people like Ankerberg, Larsen and Lindsey???

    * to set the record straight, there IS a 33rd degree, it is an honorary degree given to men who have long, and well, served the Scottish Rite, it is not some secret high level group of satanists…

  • Eric S says:

    Hello White.Gloves

    Your illustration is all about a Pagan woman CONVERTING TO CHRISTIANITY. How would that possibly make the OES Pagan?

    Don’t come back with nonsense about the Inverted Star being “Satanic”. That is bogus nonsense. The Medal of Honor, the highest heroiic award in the USA, is an “Inverted” Star. Nothing Satanic there.

    How Ever, I am absolutely certain that even if the majority of the answers here disagree with you, that you will pick the only one that agrees, or one of your alternate accounts will agree with you. You are not here to learn, you are here to clog the web with your senseless opinions.

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