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Question by Valerie J: Is Freemasonry a Pagan Religion ?
1. 33 degree Freemasons founded a secret Order for the wives, daughters and sisters of Freemasons.(Eastern Star)

2. ‘Revelations’ TAUGHT in the ‘History Of The Order Of The Eastern Star (1917)’ by Jean M’Kee Kenaston link an army Commander and a Judge of ROME to the crucifictions conducted by pagan Roman Freemasons.

3. The text has its origins in Freemasonry and describes how the Roman Commander was a MASON.

4. The text explains how a citizen of Rome was questioned because SHE was known to have CONVERTED from pagan idolatry to the religion of Christ.

5. For her refusal to recant she was imprisioned.

6. In prison she was visited by a Masonic Judge.

7. The Judge failed to convince her to renounce her religion and she was taken to the nearest hill – where she was crucified.

Today we UNCOVER the pagan religion Freemasonry of Ancient Rome from the teachings and books available to Female initiates of the Eastern Star.

Best answer:

Answer by Barrett G
No. It’s not even religion.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

27 Responses to Q&A: Is Freemasonry a Pagan Religion ?

  • Adelaide J says:

    No because Freemasonry is not a religion. Why are you putting false information out and saying it’s true?

  • Greg 2008 says:

    Freemasonry isn’t a religion.To join you have to have a religious belief – in other words an atheist could not join – however what religion it is doesn’t really matter so there are Freemasons who are Christians and Jews and Muslims and Sikhs etc.

    They don’t actually discuss religion at their meetings-it’s one of the few things they aren’t supposed to talk about in meetings.

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