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Question by Tiffany: Is it possible to find a man who will not tell all his buddies about the sex we had?
My number one concern for me sexually with a man is our privacy. I believe that sex is sacred and the details between two people are not to be discussed with anyone. It is so hard to find men these days that abide by these guidelines and will respect me on it. They want to look cool to their friends you know? Personally, as a WOMAN, I don’t get it. Men, however, are different. They brag to each other and stuff. I am a Christian, and don’t know if my luck will be any better with Christian men.

Best answer:

Answer by Rayzorx2002
Men like to brag about their conquests.
You need to lighten up.
It dont mean nothing.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

8 Responses to Q&A: Is it possible to find a man who will not tell all his buddies about the sex we had?

  • Felony says:

    not all men do it,,but its a man thing and a woman thing! You have to find a man that will respect you enough,or stop having sex with different guys!

  • Tardacus says:

    It might be possible to find a man like that but a man like that might not be worth having sex with.

  • John says:

    I thought Christians wait until marriage before they have sex?

  • Miss Missy says:

    lol The fact that you think only men do this is hysterical, hon.
    Women are JUST as bad about dishing the details as men are. In a lot of cases, we’re worse.
    All you can do is bring this up to any potential boyfriend before you have sex and tell him to you, it’s a deal breaker to brag.
    Good luck. I have a feeling your gonna need it on your hunt.

  • RayRay says:

    i think a shy guy is the only answer. all my friends share there sex stories with me whether i wanna know or not. but in the same sense women can talk just as much. It may not be braggin but it is telling someone. My girlfriend would talk to my MOM about sex. OMG thats much worst

  • toad says:

    I can almost assure you it would. But if you are a Christian why are you having sex out of wedlock?

  • T. says:

    Men talk… And no it isn’t exactly cool that they reveal all the intimate details… However, what they ought to be concerned about is what YOU are telling or NOT telling your girlfriends!! They have a hellava lot more to lose on this front then we do!

    Be good to you & the talk will always be positive!

  • Mr. Right says:

    you just have to have trust the man before you unzip.
    thats what a relationship is about trust and love.
    if they really care about you they would care about
    how you feel about it the situation and keep it secret.

    if that doesnt work find someone who doesnt know
    the people you know so you wont have any worries.

    personally i wouldnt share “details” with anyone.
    thats between me and my lover. im a man.

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