Question by Christine Sundae: Is it true that the “muslims” worship a pagan moon god?
Islam’s origins have been traced back to the ancient fertility religion of the moon god, which was the predominant religion in Arabia. This moon god was worshiped by prayer several times daily (sound familiar to you?), making animal sacrifices, praying on Friday in groups, etc. These pagan rites were practiced by the Arabs long before the false prophet “mohammed” arose. And what about their “muslim” crescent moon symbol?
Best answer:
Answer by She said
No not at all…
This is the second time you have asked this. Do you suffer from memory loss or do we need to explain all over again that Allah is the Arabic word for God. Anyone who speaks Arabic including Jews and Christians refer to God as Allah. So again why are you shocked that Arabic speaking Pagans when speaking of their God use the word Allah?
How thick are you?
When you mock Muslims you mock Islam, when you mock Islam your are mocking Jesus (pbuh). You are mocking God and that makes you among the non believers.
Worry about your own worship and stop spreading lies about Muslims and Islam it only says volumes about you and nothing about us.
What do you think? Answer below!
Nope, they worship the god of Abraham, the same one followed by Christians and Jews. The Ka’bah, one of their holiest sites, is holy because of its connection to Abraham.
As a note, I have traced the origins of Christianity to a Babylonian volcano god, and I do not make such statements.
Is it true Christians worship Mithras, who was attended by shepherds at birth, had 12 disciples, was born of a virgin, died and resurrected?
And what about that pagan symbol, the cross?
No Muslims worship 1 God Allah
Allah is the Arabic word for GOD. Or what Christians call God or the “Father”.
To learn more about Islam please visit
If you are Christian watch this
It is accusation by some Christians.
Instead of going too far, do not you think you should ask Quran itself?
41:37 Among His Signs are the Night and the Day, and the Sun and the Moon. Adore not the sun and the moon, but adore Allah, Who created them, if it is Him ye wish to serve.
This accusation is in reaction actually. Do you know that christmas was a pre-christian pagan festival, why do you Christian decorate a tree on 25th Dec.
Why there is similarity between the names Zeus and Jesus, where as actual name was supposed to be Yeshua?? Why christians make celebration on solar calendar while Jews consider lunar calendar only.
And Christians worship a pagan Sun god. So what? Everything Christianity started comes from pagan rights and rituals practiced by the people long before the false prophet “jesus” arose. and what about the pagan cross symbol.
It is a converted pagan moon good. This is no different from christianity, which borrowed most of its basic tenets as well and pretends that they are new.
Well the Christians worship the Sun of God
So lets hope Eclipse by Pink Floyd is not prophetic
All that is now
All that is gone
All thats to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
Rolls eyes
No. but i know its true you worship the pagan god of “ignorance”.
I don’t know if I’m pickin’ up what you are throwin’ down.. is it that worshiping a Pagan deity would be cause for alarm? I would say for the preservation of mere definition of Paganism that Islam and Christianity are pretty well divorced from whatever connections there have been historically. I don’t know of too many Pagans that make the pilgrimage to Hajj or go to church for communion every Sunday.