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Question by cooldude64one: Is there a magical way of turning myself into a woman?
I’m seriously asking.Because I hate being a man,because there are so many cruel and unfair expectations that come with being a man.Men are also the most likely to be the victims of injustices.If any of you study metaphysical arts,could you please teach me a magical way of turning myself into a woman?Thanks

Best answer:

Answer by Wagig

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18 Responses to Q&A: Is there a magical way of turning myself into a woman?

  • Anna says:

    Yes. tap your heels three times and say theres no place like vag theres no place like vag (:

  • kookytesss99 says:


  • L Z says:

    That is funny, magically why dont you turn yourself into something else if you want to “magically” do that ? Read the bible, that will help.

  • milaboo says:

    One word: surgery.

  • Asuan Yousei-Chan says:

    There is no magical way, if you want to be a woman it’s an operation and hormone injections for you.

  • The Return of the Loose Cannon says:

    ah the mystical powers of castration

  • Livvyy P says:

    Men have unfair expectations???
    Would you rather have the expectation of bearing children and being a houswife??? PFT!
    And if you wanna be a women, be ready to protect yourself everywhere you go because of all the purvs out there that rape you every time your alone!!!
    be happy with what God gave you!
    Try doing magic yourself and turning yourself into a women and let us know how that works out fer ya!!!!

  • zmortis says:

    Easy enough, play some Dungeons and Dragons, and have your character put on a “Girdle of Gender Changing”. Then you will magically be a woman.

    Otherwise you could just settle for reality and get started being a woman by cross dressing.

    I hope this helps.

  • Tessa says:

    Yes, but then you would be in the magical realm and not this one anymore.

  • HBPattskyn says:

    Ummmm…. no. Sorry, and no offence, but you’ve been watching too many movies. Magic does NOT work like that.

    The only way to physically change your gender is through surgery.

  • ghost_warrur says:

    Sounds to me like you already are a woman, the way you’re pissing and moaning. MAN UP!!! Life isn’t supposed to be easy. We don’t grow stronger through “easy” lives. Most of our problems we bring on ourselves, and the ones that we don’t at least keep our blood pumping.

  • Pruflas Relic66~~? says:

    what you are asking will never ever happen the only way to be turned into a woman is have surgery in there is no magic that will ever turn your self into a woman ever Relic66~~?

  • Samara Noctine says:

    I hope your joking. You can try, but it’s mostly only under non magical surgery that it is ever gonna happen.

  • norskeyenta2 says:

    Yes there is a way, but it is called Surgical. Not Magical. I guess you could call it Magical if you become a cross dresser. Then Wham, by magic you can put on a bra, undies, dress and a wig. Lots of makeup and by your own magic become a women. But if you want to stay like that all you life, you can hire a Surgeon to make you into a women. But I hope you can sing Soprano and not Baratone. By the time the Surgeon cuts off your gems, you will scream in a Soprano note.

  • dreamerextrem says:

    well you could have a lucid dream, transform into a woman that way, but it will only be until you awaken, i think that’s all you will need you might regret other ways….

  • Willy r says:

    get thrown in prison, yuk yuk yuk !

  • morpheus8250 says:

    No, but even if there was, I doubt you’d be any happier for doing it. Things wouldn’t magically improve when you changed – You’d just have different problems, different cruel and unfair expectations and injustices.

    Starting with getting paid less than a man for doing the same job.

  • Stupid says:

    Sorry, but there’s no “magical” way of turning into a woman. The only way you can turn into a woman is to cut off your dudes and get some plastic surgery for jublees

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