Question by managermom: Is there a new law in Ontario concering age you can get your driver’s license?
I am told that the new age is 18 years.
Best answer:
Answer by mistress_coleen_01
You can get your G1 at 16. 8 or 12 months later (depending if you take a ministry approved driver education course) you can get a G2. One year after getting a G2 you can take the exit exam and graduate to a full “G” licence.
There is talk about changing it so you must hold a G1 for 12 months, and then if you take driver training graduate from a G2 to a G after 8 months. Regardless, you cannot get a “full” unrestricted licence until 17 years 8 months (or 18 depending on training) regardless.
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No, the rumor goes around quite often though.