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Question by Pascha: Is there any written record of what happened to the shamans and priests of suppressed religions in Europe?
If so, is that record written by those forcing conversion on the populations of countries, or is there any record written by the losers or third parties?
I am particularly interested in any written records by travelers from other parts of the world, or any surviving from the people who were being converted.

Best answer:

Answer by thebigm57
The Vatican has extensive records of who/whom they tried, convicted, and burned for herasy if that’s what you mean. They don’t allow access to those records and many have been burned or destroied. Much like the Nazi’s they were maticulous record keepers as far as what they thought to be criminal acts against the Chruch. History bears out that all the religions were intolerant and that continues today only a bit less violently than in past history. PEACE!

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One Response to Q&A: Is there any written record of what happened to the shamans and priests of suppressed religions in Europe?

  • Syntinen Laulu says:

    What happened varied enormously. For exampIe, when Iceland decided to become Christian in 1000 AD, a substantial number of the pagan priests became Christian priests! And the Althing (parliament) stipulated that pagan sacrifices and eating horsemeat ( a big no-no for mediaeval Christians) would continue to be legal in Iceland. So that was an extremely laid-back kind of transfer of authority. Probably a lot of people hardly noticed the difference.

    In other places things were a good deal more stringent. But by and large the Christian Church wasn’t nearly as nasty to pagans as it was to Christian heretics; people could be (and were) burned for heresy within the Christian faith, but not for just being pagan.

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