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Question by Unworthy One: Is this different than your perception of Christianity?
A quote:

“Christian religion is not a certain philosophic system, about which learned men, trained in metaphysical studies, argue and then either espouse or reject, according to the opinion each one has formed. It is faith, established in the souls of men, which ought to be spread to the many and be maintained in their consciousness.

There are truths in Christianity that are above out intellectual comprehension, incapable of being grasped by the finite mind of man. Our intellect takes cognizance of them, becomes convinced of their reality, and testifies about their supernatural existence.

Christianity is a religion of revelation. The Divine reveals its glory only to those who have been perfected through virtue. Christianity teaches perfection through virtue and demands that its followers become holy and perfect. It disapproves of and opposes those who are under the influence of the imagination. He who is truly perfect in virtue becomes through Divine help outside the flesh and the world, and truly enters another, spiritual world; not, however, through the imagination, but through the effulgence of Divine grace. Without grace, without revelation, no man, even the most virtuous, can transcend the flesh and the world. ” – St. Nectarios of Aegina”

I am not asking if you agree or disagree, simply wondering if your perception of the christian’s understanding of the christian faith is in line with this quote.

Best answer:

Answer by Fireball
some of it yes…we arent perfect

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

9 Responses to Q&A: Is this different than your perception of Christianity?

  • gertystorrud says:

    It is a Relationship with The Lord God Almighty, Period! < ')))><

  • mr_crankypants says:

    The second paragraph is mumbo-jumbo and doesn’t make any logical sense.

  • mac-a-licious says:

    Yes but can’t that be applied to every religion, at least by adherents?

  • Chris says:

    It’s a saving belief in Jesus and belief in the Bible as 100% true. Period.

    So whatever your person in the quote there wrote, is false and useless.

  • Cosmodot says:

    “There are truths in Christianity that are above out intellectual comprehension, incapable of being grasped by the finite mind of man. Our intellect takes cognizance of them, becomes convinced of their reality, and testifies about their supernatural existence.”

    This is a delusional thought process.

  • Lightandtruth says:

    I like the quote as LDS. It talks of continuing revelation as being part of a righteous life which draws one closer to God. I do not think he meant we enter a spiritual world while on earth, but in a sense we can achieve …that peace that passeth all understanding.

  • sodr4 says:

    i havent thought of a thorough definition of christianity like the saint you quoted but i guess it would be similar

  • andy b says:

    kind of, a saint said it. let me ask you the unworthy one; why are you unworthy? pray right now and ask Jesus to come and take over your life and come into your heart and your sins will be forgiven. Jesus created the Catholic faith; Peter was our first Pope and Andrew was our first bishop in Jerusalem. I’m named after Saint Andrew. blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God. you are blessed unworthy one; I’ve been blessed to be judge just like Jesus was for teaching his Fathers words to the people. come and learn more about him at my group.
    I’m also becoming a priest.

  • Jason says:

    Yes my faith is in line with this quote

    “It is faith, established in the souls of men, which ought to be spread to the many and be maintained in their consciousness.”

    The purpose of christ’s coming was to bring life to men, for the Holy Spirit to be established in the souls of men by our faith and works reaching to the grace of God. That grace is His hand reaching to us our faith and works are our hands reaching to His own.

    “There are truths in Christianity that are above out intellectual comprehension, incapable of being grasped by the finite mind of man. Our intellect takes cognizance of them, becomes convinced of their reality, and testifies about their supernatural existence.”

    The love of God is deep and vast, so are His Truths. We are not capable of learning all there is to know about God or Truth because often we are against both, consciously or not.

    “Christianity is a religion of revelation. The Divine reveals its glory only to those who have been perfected through virtue. Christianity teaches perfection through virtue and demands that its followers become holy and perfect.”

    Those without virtue may misuse or be incapable of understanding properly Divine Revelation.

    “It disapproves of and opposes those who are under the influence of the imagination.”

    There is one Way, Truth, and Life everything else is our imagination at work.

    “He who is truly perfect in virtue becomes through Divine help outside the flesh and the world, and truly enters another, spiritual world; not, however, through the imagination, but through the effulgence of Divine grace. Without grace, without revelation, no man, even the most virtuous, can transcend the flesh and the world.”

    the perfect person (made perfect through the grace of God) sees reality instead of the false reality (or imaginative world) we create. without the grace of God to work with us through this purification we would stray believing ourselves to be gods as Satan does. This perfection, which is the goal of life, is union with God or theosis.


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