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new age
by avlxyz

Question by Wadjet Eye: Is your outlook on new age religion positive or negative?
I mean, there’s a lot of new religions springing up, and some of them seem interesting. I think it’s important for man’s spirituality to progress as we progress, so new age thought helps to keep things fresh, so to speak.

Best answer:

Answer by Regwah
My parents were so alternative that I had no alternative than to be alternative.

Add your own answer in the comments!

7 Responses to Q&A: Is your outlook on new age religion positive or negative?

  • Gary F says:

    They’re funny – and anything that makes me laugh is positive.

  • tony.mammano says:

    New Age Spirituality is a farce, plain and simple. One cannot improve upon perfection, unless of course they believe they have a better idea. This is the basis for the New Age movement, and you would do well to progress in those things that need improvement, not tried and true beliefs. Be well.

  • neil s says:

    New Age thought generally has even less evidence (if that’s possible) than the standard religions, and is logically incoherent. Eclectic spirituality is just another form of promiscuity.

  • M to the R still in your face says:

    Negative, because they are all built without foundation in proof and they all want to take a large amount of money form their adherents

  • Hildigardly says:

    It depends on what you mean by religion. Someones spiritual beliefs or the mainstream churches manipulation? I have a positive outlook on true religion because a true religion is peaceful. I do not have a positive outlook on Hippocrates or mainstream religion which is ran by the rich, and the controlling.

  • Mc Human says:

    Why do we need religion? I don’t like how people will find solace or peace or whatever in imaginary beings and beliefs.

  • crystalohlm says:

    The “New Age” is not really a religion. The New Age is relating to the fact that we (the Earth), after a 2,500-year pass through Pieces, are now entering Aquarius (hence New Age). This so-called New Age Religion is a culmination of ‘religions’ (if you will) that were practiced way before Christ arrived……..Oh, to answer your question…most POSITIVE!

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