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Question by Mar: Job in spiritual/metaphysical field?

I am interested in working in a spiritual/metaphysical environment. From administrative work to customer service…I don’t mind as long as my energy is vibrating at the same frequency and my Spirit is uplifted. I’m developing my intuitive ‘senses’ so I can’t work as a psychic yet so that’s off the list for a while…in case you guys advise that.

Now, how do I go about finding a job like that? Do these businesses advertise through ‘conventional’ means? I sense that it’s more by word of mouth? Should I send an letter of interest to potential employers?

I’m not sure how this field deals with these things. I guess I should practice my psychic lessons huhh and try to discern an answer…anyway, ‘mundane’ advice is also good. Any advice is highly appreciated 🙂 thanks
Billie is not as easy as you say give me an answer…and there it is…

Not, thanks sugnim. I’ve never been much of an actress, let alone a buffon. Probably that will suit you best!!!
Fireball…metaphysics is a highly complex word to describe in absolute terms. But, in general, is the philosophy that trascends conventional science. It encompasses nature of reality (consciousness) and a lot more 😉

Best answer:

Answer by Billie
If you’re a psychic… Shouldn’t you know?

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3 Responses to Q&A: Job in spiritual/metaphysical field?

  • Fireball says:

    look at jobads in Christian magazines like Christianity Today…

    that covers psiritual….what is metaphys??

  • sugnim says:

    Try out to be one of the Roman guards who beat the tar out of Jesus at the Holy Land Experience theme park in Orlando. Many religious people find that to be a spiritually satisfying place to visit; maybe you would like to work there.

  • Reoriented says:

    Social worker for the State of California. Prison guard if you need more money.

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