Question by Ceebee: Moon sign discepancy?
Hi i have a discrepancy with my moon sign. I was born on 0ct. 30 1986 at 6:36 am in manhattan NY. one site,, says i’m a virgo moon sign and another , , says i’m a libra moon sign – why is there a discrepancy in the first place ? and whats my real moon sign ?
Best answer:
Answer by Yo! It’s Ro™
I use and I got Libra moon for you when I put your information in.
*Edit* I also did your chart again on Cafeastrology and got Libra moon again.
Give your answer to this question below!
You’re a Moon in Virgo.
Here’s how you can validate this: read any article on Moon in Virgo and compare it with Moon in Libra.
You know yourself better than any astrology. So you should be able to tell which one is you.
And I’m pretty sure it will be Moon in Virgo
>>I was born on 0ct. 30 1986 at 6:36 am in manhattan NY<< At that time the Moon was at 0 Libra 18. If the time is right, your Moon is Libra and it's in the 11th house.