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Question by godofmarsrblpriest: on the subject of possession and spirit control? through sex majik?
when a person is unconscience there seems to be spirit swapping and devils taking over. if a spirit takes over while two other people are having sex, is the offspring of the conception done by the will of the spirit that took over? but imprisoned by the flesh and dna of the persons body that had the sperm?
Ok, so somepeople PRETEND to say that sex majick is Innocent and natural. I dont believe it. Maybe im confusing my terminology. But there are things in the darkness when it comes to knowing how to drug and rape people.
And there are technologies today that can simulate possession as well mortal knowledge how to control the mind.

Best answer:

Answer by ericcartmanismylovechild
Spirtit swapping and devils are mythical things… so it makes sense that the conceived child would also have mythical dna.

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4 Responses to Q&A: on the subject of possession and spirit control? through sex majik?

  • Utuk says:

    Sex Magick is based on the idea that human beings achieve their full spiritual and intellectual actualization at the moment of orgasm. It has nothing to do with possession and spirit control. Magick is a psychological practice, and does not deal with “real” spirits.

  • jinenglish68 says:

    After this question, I don’t want anyone to criticize Christianity ever again.

  • Kithy says:

    Never heard of such a thing happening and I have participated in Sex Magic before and know several others who do it often enough that if this were something that happens, I would have heard. Sex Magic is 2 (or more, depending on what you like) people raising up energy thru sex for a particular spell/result. There is no swapping of spirits. No one is unconscious…. all participants are fully awake and directing their attention and energy to the result they want.

    Though, I will say, this would make a really cool comic book. 😉

  • Simon Patterson says:

    I believe in the spirit would and spirits, but I don’t believe in the devil.

    There may very well be negative souls who have left the physical body, as there are humans on earth, but I don’t believe that they can influence fertilisation in any way.

    A spirit can’t just enter someones body when they please. To do that, they would have to be invited. Remember also that we have guides who protect us from negative spirits.

    The child born would be linked with the people who have conceived that child, nothing at all to do with a spirit.

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