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Question by iam_there_foreithink: opportunities for enlightened 22 year old?
Hi everybody. I’m wondering if any of you fine folks could point me to some resources or give me some connections to find some sort of spiritual career. Being enlightened at the age of 22, and unaffiliated with any particular spiritual faith or order, it is difficult for me to make headway. It also seems that much of what passes these days for enlightenment is something of a fraud or misunderstanding, so I cannot introduce myself or describe my capacities summarily without falling into surrounding stereotypes and pigeonholes. I’d be a great teacher or guru, like a Zen teacher say. I’m very good at speaking and getting through to people. Spiritual, occult, or even shamanic, I know I could contribute greatly to many types of groups, but not “the church” if you know what I mean. In theory I would find someone looking for a person like myself, and through considerable correspondence I would convey the reality of my proposition. I have no money.

Best answer:

Answer by Innocent Victim
I believe the position of Messiah is open, why not try out for that? You seem to have a high enough opinion of the wonderfulness of you.

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5 Responses to Q&A: opportunities for enlightened 22 year old?

  • jecrawford2010 says:

    YES;; go to broken arrow Oklahoma;to Rama bible school;; A Kennith Hagen ministry

  • the_dapper_cadaver says:

    Go and get a proper accredited education.

  • Amy says:

    Start by leading/teaching small groups in your local area or become a life coach. To make a living you will probably need to do something else. Unless you have the time to write a book or 2 and gain a following no one will pay for your knowledge. I know many folks in their 40’s and 50’s who are also frustrated at doing this w/o compensation for so many years. You basically have to become self-employed and market yourself.

  • Zu Li says:

    I can’t fail to notice how much that you use the word “I” in your diatribe. For example “I would be a great teacher or guru”…

    All I can say is trust in your enlightened nature and all that you require will certainly fall before you…..

  • HEAVENly EYES says:

    The absolute best way for a 22-year-old to become enlightened is to read God’s Word the holy Bible every day and to also pray for God’s Holy Spirit to help you to understand it !

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