Question by great_wiccan_god: Pagans! Build a Temple!?
If I were to buy a LARGE portion of land, away from the dangers of possible protests and/or vandalism from the general public. Then built a Pagan Temple for the use of any Pagan group on it, what would you like it to feature?
I imagine a place like the “Hanging Gardens” with a great many levels and landings each containing many nooks and crannies in them. Altars, some dedicated to a wide variety of deities and others left empty for personal use. Fountains and pools and waterfalls. Rooms resembling caves and others forests, possibly others looking like classical or foreign temples. Even bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchens following this theme.
What else?
As wonderfull as the great outdoors is, doing dedicated rituals there can be difficult. Bad weather, bugs, location, etc. So if your with a group a Temple is a fantastic thing.
An ampitheater! Or at least rooms built with acoustics in mind, great idea Ledzepp. At least one room dedicated as a Library/Study for NeoPagan. The whole place should be made safe enough for pets and an open level or two dedicated to gardening. A small grove of apple trees, maybe tease up some berry bushes, vines, or honeysuckle. Possibly place a field around the Temple, It’d be like a ship sailing on a sea of golden wheat. Thanks blue chaos. Anything else?
Best answer:
Answer by Half God Half Ape
I think it should have a Pizza Hut.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Sounds kinda nice
Although I doubt you could build it far away enough from protests and vandalism; some people know no limits to displaying their hatred and intolerance.
Some space away from the temple where you can just go and be with nature. No powerlines, pavement, or even roads. Just wild things.
It sounds fun but would take a ton of money.
Most pagans I know don’t go in for all that.
We tend to like simple outdoors left with its natural beauty … and maybe a simple hall if anything – for cold weather sabbats.
Don’t forget the libraries.
We need books for spells and such and to store them.
A music room.
Someplace where some people can do their own gardening. Plant some plants that have special meanings to them. Also. someplace where some can be with their pets and other animals
Sounds nice. Perhaps someday it could be built and not expect vandalism or so much security that it’s more an armed camp than a place of worship.
I would want it by the ocean. I am called to the sea and would want to hear the crashing of the waves and the smell of the salt water. On the beach near by perhaps made out of rock there should be an altar.
It sounds like you have some pretty themes for this temple.
A pagans temple is anywhere outside.
We create our own.
We don’t need to be glowing beacon’s for the lambs to discriminate.
There are many small shrines and temples that Pagans keep secret in the US. I know of four within a couple hours drive of me that are on private land and invitation only. They are simple. They are maintained by dedicated individuals who use no outside funds and share with the local community.
There should definately be a labyrinth.
And a large wooded area with paths and grottos to various Gods.
Herb gardens
And, of course, a really big library.