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Question by Lady Godiva: pagans…. for those of you who use …. what kind..?
it’s me again. i use tarot card, and my current deck (b/c it hasnt be found and tossed out in the fire) is a faerie deck. it works well for me, but not as good as my past deck (i cant find them any more.
so what decks do you you use(if you use them)?
any suggestions on where to find different ones? i was looking for a dragon deck (that i once had), has anyone see/heard of this kind?
and last, why did you choose the one you use?(if you use them)

Best answer:

Answer by Warlock Wyatt Wallen II
I wanted to be dark Pagan but, it wasn’t for me , i found that i was a Spiritual Laveyan Satanist..

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3 Responses to Q&A: pagans…. for those of you who use …. what kind..?

  • Autumn Dreamwalker says:

    I like Llewelyn decks. I have “The Witches Tarot”, “The Llewelyn Tarot” & a Rider Waite deck. I chose the first two based on the art work and the Rider Waite deck was the best way to learn.

  • Lupa says:

    You might want to look for the Dragon Tarot.

    Personally, for tarot readings I use the Thoth deck, and for totem readings I use the Animal-Wise deck.

  • the traveler says:

    i have the glastonbury deck, the merlin tarot designed by R.J.Stewart, and the sacred circle deck, and of course the waite rider deck.
    my favorite is the sacred circle deck, it has the green man in place of the fool. there is also cards for the lord and the lady, a druid card and a shaman card in stead of there more standard counter parts.
    the most disapointing was the melin deck; no pictures on the minor arcana cards.
    all were purchased at the metaphysical shop in albuquerque, the only large city in my state.
    ive never seen a dragon deck. i would probably buy one if i saw one though, i like any thing with dragons.

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