Question by Malkavian: pagans….i’m looking for some pagan music?
not wiccan….nothing against it’s just easy to find, and i’m more into celtic, roman, and eygtian type pagan music, and yes i know that can be found in some wiccan music but that’s not what i’m looking for.
Best answer:
Answer by Moiraes Fate
Celtic will be easy to find, the roman and egyptian will be almost impossible. Just type “Celtic” into limewire or some other program. You’ll find loads.
Oh and you may like to consider Loreena McKennit.
What do you think? Answer below!
That would be Celtic anything
Anything by Gary Stradler is wonderful also Loreena McKeenit you can check out some of her music on YouTube too. Enya or Clannad is good as well. Keitha’s Pagan Music has free downloads too. There is free Celtic Radio too:
Try this mySpace page — they are Greek
Try Kan’nal
Damnh the Bard, Emerald Rose both of these are good.
Ah, a man after my own heart. I think you’de like
the music around here. Etherial New-Age, with
lovely female vocals, and ancient cultural sounds.
Pagan-based concepts and lyrics.
For Celtic:
Loreena McKennitt, both The Visit and Ancient Muse
are her best disks. (But Loreena is actually a mix
of Celtic and Eastern sounds.)
Kate Price, the Isle of Dreaming. (It’s dynamite). Better
voice than Loreena and more Celtic sounding.
Aine Minogue, Celtic Pilgrimage. Features Gallic
language songs. I can’t understand a word of it, but
it’s terrific.
For Egyptian:
Ani Williams, Shemah – The Calling. Ani comes
from northern Arizona, plays Celtic harp, but the
sound is pure ancient Egypt, in a smooth new-age
For Middle Eastern:
Stellamara, The Seven Valleys – This one is one
of my favorites. Great ancient Middle Eastern flavor
without any excessive percussion. Lovely vocals.
For Aegean Sea area (Greece/Turkey):
James Gray, Ancient Journey. Majestic beyond words.
You’re sailing with the ancient Greeks to visit Samos.
No vocals.
Paul Avgerinos, Words Touch. You are now in the
realm of the gods with this one. No vocals.
AND, if you go to CD Baby, you can listen to the
first 2 minutes of each track before you decide to
buy. So there will be no suprises.
I think you’ll be happy with these disks.
Best wishes,