Question by Emma: Personalized Tarot Cards?
Could someone point me to a site that would let me submit a set of images and, for a small fee, would print and send these as a set of tarot cards to my house? The best I can find is playing cards ((not interested in that)) and Upperdeck offers trading cards but I’m not sure that’s it either.
Any help? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by Lillith
I think your best approach is to take the images to a copy place and do them yourself. Most print houses have a large set-up charge and only print in large quatities. You are wanting 78 seperate cards and that is a lot of work to run off just one of each (to the print house).
If I where you I would arrange my images to where you can get several lined up on an 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper (standard size) copy those with a color copy machine on some card stock (which the copy store should have) and then cut them.
Good Luck- sounds fun.
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Your best bet is to go to the site (aeclectic tarot) and on the tarot creator’s board post the question.
You can get a deck made up on card stock, at any Kinkos, but it won’t have the varnished feel to it of a real deck.
I’ve bookmarked a few sites in anticipation of my next deck, so have these– they do tarot, but have a minimum order amount they want from you
But officially I’m going for the full print run over at CartaMundi which has an office in Tennessee.