Question by Miss Lovely Lady: Question from a very inexperienced Tarot Card reader. (ppl who are familar with them)?
I always was drawn to mysterious studies such as astrology, tarot, and the supernatural. It wasnt until maybe a month ago that i decided to try to learn the meanings of the cards for myself. Before i ever had any interest in tarot cards i was very devoted to astrology and know almost every thing about it. It wasnt hard for me to memorize the signs and their meanings. But i have found that the tarot is way harder and a lot trickier!
I have always had good intuiton…. where i sometimes jus “know” things and my grandmother also used to be a reader ( which was kept secret from me until about a week ago)
For fellow tarot readers i ask these questions.
1. How did u fair with the meanings in the beginning
2. Do u sometiimes still have trouble now?
3. Have any of you had a “bad” experience with the cards (i heard they can be a doorway for unwanted “things)
4. And last but not least, what are some tips to make me a better more intuitive reader..
Best answer:
Answer by befeathered
1. It took me a while at first.
2. Occasionally.
3. No.
4. Practice, practice, practice.
Get a Rider Waite to work with not one of the prettier fancier decks (wait a while).
Use short tarot spreads at first (5 cards or less).
How to Read Tarot in 7 Easy Steps (free Ebook)
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