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Question by ysha: scientists in scientists vs shamans?
can anyone tell me something about the beliefs and practices of scientists?

(we are comparing shamans and scientists.what is on the side of the scientists in this question?)

thank you for your time and for your answer.

if your know any sites, could you please give me the url?

Best answer:

Answer by stealth
Scientists believe in the Scientific Method…

Shamans believe in Intuition…

What do you think? Answer below!

2 Responses to Q&A: scientists in scientists vs shamans?

  • RAZNA says:

    A scientist uses the scientific method, which formulates a hypothesis and then — most important — TESTS to see whether this is correct. If it seems to be correct, the scientist then repeats the test to see if this can be verified or if it was a fluke, or due to chance, etc. Sometimes a test will require the hypothesis to be modified in some way, in fact, this is normally what happens. This is how science grows. The hypothesis is modified and a new test is devised.
    The shaman uses magic.
    For example, suppose you are outdoors and want to catch a fish. The scientist decides that perhaps hanging a bit of meat on a string will work. She tries different types of strings with different types of meat hanging in different streams on different days, or perhaps different times of day, and sees which one catches the fish. When she thinks she has it figured out, she prepares a large number of that type and tries them out (the repeated test). If it works, she does it on a regular basis.
    The shaman does a fish dance, moving his mouth like a fish does, sings fishy songs, and carves a fish symbol into a tree near a stream. “Okay, now, fish!” he calls into the water. “Come to my hands!”
    Which one is going to catch more fish?

  • Kelly M says:

    The scientist believes in a world that is visible and/or verifiable. It is also rational. The scientist believes That the processes that occur in the world can be demonstrated and repeated.

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