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Question by Michael E.: sex… is it really a sacred act??
ppl mention about how sex is an sacred act but ive taken some thought to it… when your w/ someone special and u deside to have sex its like a bond that sticcs the relationship closer right… but wut about when you break up and find some1 else who is “special” u make dat sacred act again?? i mean too me it makes no sence… i love women n i do enjoy sex but i sure dont consider it a sacred act… what are you opinions…

Best answer:

Answer by Tom S
it’s not sacred… women made up that stuff a long time ago so we won’t cheat on them……..

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

23 Responses to Q&A: sex… is it really a sacred act??

  • Bottom Contributor says:

    Yes it is sacred. That’s why i sacrifice a goat to god right before i do it.

  • L says:

    When you find the right woman, it will be sacred because you won’t want her to have sex with anyone else and you as well will only want sex with her…so sex is sacred if you really LOVE the person your having sex with…if you have it recreational expect it to feel that way.

  • Jack r says:

    it is not any more sacred than eating… respectful to the other person….that is the sacred part

  • skully333333 says:

    I have never heard of that. I dont think it’s a sacred act.

  • brandi e says:

    well, it is not a scared act to me, but it is a passion for some men.

  • I'm in love says:

    the first time I did it the both of us were silly about it but we were comfortable

  • Gable says:

    it should be your husband or wife

  • King of Pythons says:

    It is fun and an ideal way to express your feeling for someone but it is not sacred.

  • Pissed_Limey says:

    It is simply a biological act. The orgasm has the same effect on the brain as taking a very weak heroin dose. In the old days before entertainment technology was this good, sex was rated higher than now for being sacred because there was nothing else to do. While sex is still very fun, it doesn’t mean as much since there is so many other things to see and do.

  • answerman288 says:

    there must be something to it, my wife says OH GOD! every time before I finish with her 🙂

  • Cody F-D says:

    it’s a lot more sacred to women partially because we take it
    I don’t find it that sacred….but really I know that sex should only be with one person for your entire life

    it’s hard to explain

  • brittany b says:

    Well, it is pretty much a common act, so I don’t see what’s so sacred about it. Of course, you shouldn’t give it all away to any and every one, but though it may have been a while ago, it doesn’t seem very sacred anymore.

  • jessica s says:

    i agree you do it with one then you break up then do it with another..or the man or woman cheat and they do it with them..but when we have people and we are humans then people do stupid stuff that they are not suppose to cheating abuse alcohol drugs killing raping

  • Jamie says:

    There are 2 types of people answering the question. The ones who are serious about sex, and the ones who are more casual.
    I am serious about it and believe you should love someone and share a bond with them before you have sex. I could never ever have a one night stand, or use someone for sex. that’s just not me.

  • Dominican Woman says:

    My opinion is its not a sacred act but i wouldnt go around doing it with everyone i would only do it if i was in a long relationship but it is different for everyone some move faster than others and decide to have sex on their first date others wait a while and others wait till they get married

  • WingZero says:

    Its sacred to me, but not everyone else.

  • karamell08 says:

    If it’s not sacred, why do emotions almost inevitably come with the territory?
    And most people go in thinking it’ll be fun, but somehow somewhere, someone will catch feelings. What’s up with that?
    And, why does it feel sooo WONDERFUL when you’re making love than when you have a fling and it’s “aight”?

  • kori_k says:

    sacred sounds so religious. For those who are religious then fine. But really sex is something that should only be shared with few people. So you have to decide how much you want to share with a person. You should use sex just to make your relationship closer. Because if you can’t feel close with out sex then chances are you will break up soon anyway. Sex tends to make relationships more complicated in ways because of the feel good feelings you when you do it. Then when that moment goes away and there are other issues it causes confusion and alters your perspective of what your real issues are. Save it for those who are worthy.

  • Jennifer K says:

    It is sacred to an extent, that you should have it with someone you really care for. You can care for several people in your lifetime, and that is fine. But it’s more of a “dont have sex with anyone and everyone thing”. Which is how a lot of people are these days. Kids having sex, when they aren’t prepared to deal with consequences, and aren’t even capable of seeing how enjoyable and special sex is, that is WRONG! It’s sacred for some, should be sacred to many.

  • rcButterfly says:

    Sacred??? I’ve never heard that before. I guess for people who consider it solely for reproduction only it might be considered sacred. Do I think that? No. I enjoy it and the pleasure it brings but I’m certainly not going to worship it.

  • Praire Crone says:

    If you are just talking about the physical act then it is just a biological release used for pleasure and to produce children. But when it is coupled with love and respect for a soul mate and the desire to pleasure the one you love is Paramount for both parties then it is worthy of being thought of as sacred. That is combining the spiritual as well as the physical and it attains a higher level of fulfillment culminating in the production of a spiritual energy that approaches that of pure bliss for both parties.

  • anoldmick says:

    No, it is not. However, once you make a public commitment to be true to one person – in other words, take marriage vows – then it does become the most powerful signal of that commitment, and that’s as close to sacred as anything we mortals ever experience.
    You can keep on enjoying sexual relations with willing women so long as you’re both honest that it’s not a binding act; that by so doing you are not committing yourselves to each other exclusively. Whatever you do, don’t lie to the women in order to keep on screwing them. That can be dangerous; many women have rather unforgiving friends, who can put you in a world of hurt if they perceive your behavior as abusive…like me, for instance: I catch wise to your sticking it to one of my grown daughters while you’re sticking it to her in the sack, and I’ll quite literally skin your slimy self – I’ve had practice!

  • enlightened says:

    I am going to be honest with u.The difference is if you love, not just care ,about that person.if it is not about love it is just sex. love is not about the act but the emotions that is what makes it special.I do not want to just do the act unless I truly loved that person.Making love is way better than having sex.

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