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Question by o01230o: Shamanism???
Can Shamanism be hereditary or passed down? I have evolved from Native American heritage on my father’s side and I have great great great grandfathers with a root in Shamanism. Thanks 🙂
*edit* sorry if this is a stupid question! It might be! heh
Thanks so far 🙂 I have some other types of gifts so I suppose I am trying to figure out the root to them! (Hence this question)
Thanks Ken I’ll check your video out after class

Best answer:

Answer by Mystica’s Sister
Shamanism is your choice of whether or not you want to practice it. Your parents might prefer if you did or did not practice it, but it’s all up to you. I personally would love to be a Shaman, but I’m becoming a different kind of witch ^^
If you want some info on types of Shamans, just look it up on the web. The craft has changed many times over the years, but has the same basics.

What do you think? Answer below!

4 Responses to Q&A: Shamanism???

  • princessandie1984 says:

    No it is not hereditary, sorry. It can be learned, though.

  • kennymoab says:

    Shamanism in some cases is kept in the family, kept in the family lineage.

    sometimes an elder will recognize the potential of a young person and teach him the ways.

    i myself have practiced shamanism but self taught

    i don’t think there is one definitive singular way, but i have a question for you which is rhetorical:

    truthfully and honestly ask yourself why you are interested and also, if your thinking about pursuing shamanism…why?

    check out my video “message from mother earth” 3mins

    just type in the word Shamanizing in youtube

    peace n blessings

  • gwenieviere says:

    While it is not passed down persay, you can learn about it yourself, in a way and speed that is comfortable to you. I am not a shaman myself but I am a witch with similar beliefs, so I can simply tell you that you can learn yourself, and be enlightened with your own mind. I hope this helps =^^=

    p.s: your question is not “stupid” at all. =^^=

  • Marvin R says:

    generally speaking becoming a Shaman is not hereditary. there were people in Ancient Times who were chosen by Higher Powers or by other established Shamans and those chosen became trained in Shamanistic Arts.

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